?) In your
main method clearly demonstrate the correctness of these methods.
/** * @param s the String to remove * @return the string backwards; e.g., string --> gnirts */ public static String reverseString(String string)
/** * Tests if a string is a palindrome. A palindrome is a word * that is the same fowards and backwards. * Some palindromes: * "kayak" * "A man A plan A canal Panama" * In your algorithm, you don't need to consider spaces or * punctuation as special cases, i.e., "A man A plan A canal Panama" * will return false. You should consider * upper and lower case letters as the same. * @param s the string to test if it's a palindrome * @return true iff the string is a palindrome * @see */ public static boolean isPalindrome(String string)
Submit a printed version of your assignment (script file, Java files, and README) at the beginning of class on Tuesday, June 20.
Email a gzipped tar file of your assignment directory named
and which should include the script
file, the Java classes, the class files, and README) to Ke (kli at before next Tuesday (June 20) at 11:59:59 p.m. The
subject line should be "[Your Name] CISC370: Assignment 1 Submission".
If necessary, see Assignment 0 for instructions for generating the tar file.
If you have any questions about submission, ask early!