
  1. ./
  2. ./
  3. ./
  4. ./
  5. ./

./ 1/5

# Examples using built-in functions
# Sara Sprenkle

#x = 6.817454321
x = 5.60123

print("We start with x having value", x)

# Call the function round with input x
# and save the output of function call in variable roundedXInt
roundedXInt = round(x)
print("x rounded to the nearest int:", roundedXInt)

roundedXTenth = round(x, 1)
print("x rounded to the nearest tenth:", roundedXTenth)

a = round(x, 2)
print("x rounded to the nearest hundredth:", a)
# demonstrating that the variable name doesn't matter,
# but good names make the code easier to understand

roundx = round(x, 3)
print("x rounded to the nearest thousandth:", roundx)

print(round(x, 4)) # not saving returned value in a variable

print("x is of", type(x))

./ 2/5

# Example of importing a module, using the from version of import
# by Sara Sprenkle

# With the from import, you don't need to prepend the names
from math import *

i = 1j

# The equation e^(i pi) + 1 = 0

# with import math statement
# shouldbezero =  math.e ** (i * math.pi) + 1

shouldbezero =  e ** (i * pi) + 1

print("e^(i pi) + 1 equals", shouldbezero)

# practice using functions from modules
print("100^(1/2) =", sqrt(100))

./ 3/5

# Example of importing a module
# by Sara Sprenkle

# Need to prepend all constants and functions with math.
import math

i = 1j

# The equation e^(i pi) + 1 = 0

# with from math import * statement
# shouldbezero =  e ** (i * pi) + 1

shouldbezero =  math.e ** (i * math.pi) + 1

print("e^(i pi) + 1 equals", shouldbezero)

# practice using functions from modules
print("100^(1/2) =", math.sqrt(100))

./ 4/5

# Examples calling the print function
# Sara Sprenkle for CSCI111

print("Hi", "there", "class", sep='; ')
# By default end is "\n" --> called "the new line character"
# means, put the next displayed text on the next line.
print("Put on same", end='') # make end the empty string

# make end a space instead:
print("Put on same", end=' ')

something = 7

print("The result is ", something, ".", sep = "")

./ 5/5

# Demonstrating random module
# by Sara Sprenkle

import random

print("This program generates", NUM_RANDOM, "random numbers.")

# Demonstrates that it's a pseudo-random number generator
# If using the same seed, the program generates the same list of
# "random" numbers.

# The following function call sets the seed.

for x in range(NUM_RANDOM):
    #print(random.randint(0, 10))

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