- 1/6
# This program calculates your birthyear,
# given your age and the current year.
# Sara Sprenkle
print("This program determines your birth year")
print("given your age and current year")
age = eval(input("Enter your age: "))
if age > 120:
print("Don't be ridiculous, you can't be that old.")
currentYear = eval(input("Enter the current year: "))
birthyear = currentYear - age
print("You were either born in", birthyear, end='')
print("or", birthyear-1)
print("Thank you. Come again.") 2/6
# This is NOT a correct solution. Why is it incorrect?
# What test cases reveal the errors?
# Any speed clocked over the limit results in a fine of at least $50, plus $5
# for each mph over the limit, plus a penalty of $200 for any speed over 90mph.
# Input: speed limit and the clocked speed
# Output: either (a) that the clocked speed was under the limit or
# (b) the appropriate fine
# This program is equivalent to
# but shows an alternative structure for the if/else
# CSCI 111
print("This program determines whether you were speeding and your fine,")
print("if appropriate.")
# getting the necessary input from the user
speed = eval(input("Enter your speed: "))
speedlimit = eval(input("Enter the speed limit: "))
# what happens in this solution? Why is it not correct behavior?
if speed > speedlimit:
fine = 50 + 5*(speed-speedlimit)
print("Your fine will be $", fine)
if speed > 90:
fine += 200
print("Your fine will be $", fine)
if speed <= speedlimit:
print("You are not speeding.")
print("Continue safe driving practices.") 3/6
# This program simulates a coin flip.
# by CSCI111
from random import *
coin = randint(1, 2)
if coin == 1:
print("Tails!") 4/6
# This program determines whether a number is even or odd
# Sara Sprenkle
x = eval(input("Enter a number: "))
remainder = x%2
if remainder == 0:
print(x, "is even")
if remainder == 1:
print(x, "is odd")
# alternatively, we should use an "else" statement
# instead of the second if statement because it is more efficient.
# We are only doing one check of a condition.
#if remainder == 0:
# print(x, "is even")
# print(x, "is odd") 5/6
# Any speed clocked over the limit results in a fine of at least $50, plus $5
# for each mph over the limit, plus a penalty of $200 for any speed over 90mph.
# Input: speed limit and the clocked speed
# Output: either (a) that the clocked speed was under the limit or
# (b) the appropriate fine
# This program is equivalent to
# but shows an alternative structure for the if/else
# CSCI 111
print("This program determines whether you were speeding and your fine,")
print("if appropriate.")
# getting the necessary input from the user
speed = eval(input("Enter your speed: "))
speedlimit = eval(input("Enter the speed limit: "))
if speed <= speedlimit:
print("Continue safe driving practices.")
# calculate the fine
mphOver = speed - speedlimit
fine = 50 + mphOver * 5
if speed > 90:
fine = fine + 200
print("Your ticket is", fine) 6/6
# Any speed clocked over the limit results in a fine of at least $50, plus $5
# for each mph over the limit, plus a penalty of $200 for any speed over 90mph.
# Input: speed limit and the clocked speed
# Output: either (a) that the clocked speed was under the limit or
# (b) the appropriate fine
# CSCI 111
print("This program determines whether you were speeding and your fine,")
print("if appropriate.")
# getting the necessary input from the user
speed = eval(input("Enter your speed: "))
speedlimit = eval(input("Enter the speed limit: "))
if speed > speedlimit:
# calculate the fine
mphOver = speed - speedlimit
fine = 50 + mphOver * 5
if speed > 90:
fine = fine + 200
print("Your ticket is", fine)
print("Continue safe driving practices.")
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