- 1/6
# Conversion of a text message into ASCII
# by Sara Sprenkle
print("This program converts a textual message into a sequence")
print("of numbers representing the ASCII encoding of the message.")
message = input("Enter the message to encode: ")
print("Here are the ASCII codes for '" + message + "':")
for ch in message:
print(ord(ch), end=" ")
print() 2/6
# Create a table of numbers (ASCII) and their character equivalent
# by Sara Sprenkle
print("This program prints out the ASCII Table")
print("DEC CHAR")
print("-"*3, "-"*4)
for i in range(33, 127):
print("%3d %4s" % (i, chr(i))) 3/6
# Converts a binary number into a decimal.
# Iterates over the characters in the string,
# i.e., from left to right in the string.
# By CSCI111
print("This program converts a binary number into a decimal number.")
# todo: get input from the user
binNum = "10110"
decVal = 0
exponent = len(binNum)
for char in binNum:
bit = int(char)
exponent -= 1
decVal += bit * 2**exponent
print(binNum, "has a decimal value of", decVal) 4/6
# Converts a binary number into a decimal.
# Iterates over the exponents,
# i.e., from right to left over the binary number.
# By CSCI111
import test
def main():
print("This program converts a binary number into a decimal number.")
binaryNum = input("What is your binary number? ")
decVal = binaryToDecimal(binaryNum)
print("The decimal value of", binaryNum, "is", decVal)
def testBinaryToDecimal():
test.testEqual(binaryToDecimal("0"), 0)
test.testEqual(binaryToDecimal("1"), 1)
test.testEqual(binaryToDecimal("1000"), 8)
test.testEqual(binaryToDecimal("1111"), 15)
def binaryToDecimal(binary):
Pre: binary should be a string containing only 0s and 1s
Post: convert binary into a decimal value and return that value
decVal = 0
for exponent in range(len(binary)):
index = len(binary) - (exponent + 1)
char = binary[index]
if char == "1":
decVal += 2**exponent
# Alternative:
# bit = int(char)
# decVal += bit * 2 ** exponent
return decVal
testBinaryToDecimal() 5/6
# Converts a binary number into a decimal.
# Iterates over the exponents (i.e., from right to left).
# By CSCI111
import test
def main():
print("This program converts a binary number into a decimal number.")
binaryNum = input("What is your binary number? ")
decVal = binaryToDecimal(binaryNum)
print("The decimal value of", binaryNum, "is", decVal)
def testBinaryToDecimal():
test.testEqual(binaryToDecimal("0"), 0)
test.testEqual(binaryToDecimal("1"), 1)
test.testEqual(binaryToDecimal("1000"), 8)
test.testEqual(binaryToDecimal("1111"), 15)
def binaryToDecimal(binary):
Pre: binary should be a string containing only 0s and 1s
Post: convert binary into a decimal value and return that value
# The starting exponent will be the length of the string-1
exponent = len(binary) - 1
# Initialize the result to zero
decimalNumber = 0
# For each bit in the binary number
for char in binary:
# Multiply the bit by the appropriate power of 2
bit = int(char)
value = bit * 2 ** exponent
# Add this to the result
decimalNumber = decimalNumber + value
# Reduce the exponent by 1
exponent = exponent - 1
# return the result
return decimalNumber
testBinaryToDecimal() 6/6
# From How to Think Like a Computer Scientist textbook
def testEqual(actual, expected):
if type(expected) == type(1):
# they're integers, so check if exactly the same
if actual == expected:
return True
elif type(expected) == type(1.11):
# a float is expected, so just check if it's very close, to allow for
# rounding errors
if abs(actual-expected) < 0.00001:
return True
# check if they are equal
if actual == expected:
return True
print('Test Failed: expected ' + str(expected) + ' but got ' + str(actual))
return False
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