- 1/5
# Compute the letter grade, based on the numeric grade
# CSCI 111
print("This program generates the letter grade from the numeric grade.")
# get the input from the user for the numeric grade
numGrade = float(input("Enter the numeric score: "))
# The following code computes the letter grade from the numeric grade.
if numGrade >= 90:
letterGrade = "A"
elif numGrade >= 80:
letterGrade = "B"
elif numGrade >= 70:
letterGrade = "C"
elif numGrade >= 60:
letterGrade = "D"
letterGrade = "F"
print("The letter grade is", letterGrade)
# Compare using elif to using nested if-else-if statements 2/5
# Compute the letter grade, based on the numeric grade
# CSCI 111
numericGrade = float(input("Enter the numeric grade: "))
print("Your letter grade is", letter_grade)
# Assign a letter grade and then fill into the print statement.
# This approach reduces the duplication of print statements.
# If we need to change a print statement, we'd have a lot to change. 3/5
# Compute the letter grade, based on the numeric grade
# CSCI 111
print("This program generates the letter grade from the numeric grade.")
# get the input from the user for the numeric grade
numGrade = float(input("Enter the numeric score: "))
if numGrade >= 90:
letterGrade = "A"
if numGrade >= 80:
letterGrade = "B"
if numGrade >= 70:
letterGrade = "C"
if numGrade >= 60:
letterGrade = "D"
letterGrade = "F"
# display the results
print("You got a", letterGrade)
# Assign a letter grade and then fill into the print statement.
# This approach reduces the duplication of print statements.
# If we need to change a print statement, we'd have a lot to change. 4/5
# Any speed clocked over the limit results in a fine of at least $50, plus $5
# for each mph over the limit, plus a penalty of $200 for any speed over 90mph.
# Input: speed limit and the clocked speed
# Output: either (a) that the clocked speed was under the limit or
# (b) the appropriate fine
# This program is equivalent to
# but shows an alternative structure for the if/else
# CSCI 111
print("This program determines whether you were speeding and your fine,")
print("if appropriate.")
# getting the necessary input from the user
speed = eval(input("Enter your speed: "))
speedlimit = eval(input("Enter the speed limit: "))
# check if speeding
if speed > speedlimit:
fine = 50 + 5*(speed-speedlimit)
if speed > 90:
fine += 200
print("Your fine will be $", fine)
print("You are not speeding.")
print("Continue safe driving practices.") 5/5
# Any speed clocked over the limit results in a fine of at least $50, plus $5
# for each mph over the limit, plus a penalty of $200 for any speed over 90mph.
# Input: speed limit and the clocked speed
# Output: either (a) that the clocked speed was under the limit or
# (b) the appropriate fine
# CSCI 111
print("This program determines whether you were speeding and your fine,")
print("if appropriate.")
# getting the necessary input from the user
speed = eval(input("Enter your speed: "))
speedlimit = eval(input("Enter the speed limit: "))
# check if not speeding
if speed <= speedlimit:
print("You are not speeding.")
print("Continue safe driving practices.")
fine = 50 + 5*(speed-speedlimit)
fine += 200
print("Your fine will be $", fine)
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