- 1/4
# Converts a binary number into a decimal
# Modify to verify that the inputted number is valid.
# Added test functions that programmatically test if the function is behaving
# appropriately.
# By CSCI111
import sys
def main():
# Read in the binary number as a string -- why?
num = input("Enter the binary #: ")
# --------- Validate the user input ----------
if not isBinary(num):
print(num, "is not a valid binary number. Please try again.")
decVal = binaryToDecimal(num)
print("The decimal value for", num, "is", decVal)
def binaryToDecimal(binnum):
Converts the binary number to a decimal number
Precondition: binary, a string that is a binary number
Postcondition: returns the decimal value of the binary number
# accumulate the decimal value in this variable
decVal = 0
# go through the positions in the string
for pos in range(len(binnum)):
# num[pos] is a string; need to convert to an int
bit = int(binnum[pos])
# calculate which "place" the current bit is at
place = 2**(len(binnum)-pos-1)
# add to the decimal value
decVal += place * bit
return decVal
def isBinary(candidate):
Precondition: candidate is a string
Postcondition: returns True iff candidate is a valid binary string
# check that it has all digits (no letters)
if not candidate.isdigit():
return False
# Make sure that the inputted number only contains 0s and 1s
for digit in candidate:
if digit != "0" and digit != "1":
return False
return True 2/4
# Demonstrate passing lists to functions
# CSCI111
# this function tests the descend sort function
def main():
# test descendSort3Nums
list = [1,2,3]
list = [0, 5, -3]
list = [7,4,1]
list = [-1, -1, -3]
list = [-1, -5, -3]
def descendSort3Nums(list3):
Parameter: a list containing three numbers
Sorts the list in descending order
Note: does not return anything, no output
if list3[1] > list3[0]:
# swap 'em
tmp = list3[0]
list3[0] = list3[1]
list3[1] = tmp
if list3[2] > list3[1]:
# swap 'em
tmp = list3[1]
list3[1] = list3[2]
list3[2] = tmp
if list3[1] > list3[0]:
# swap 'em
tmp = list3[0]
list3[0] = list3[1]
list3[1] = tmp
def descendSort(listOfNumbers):
More general algorithm, where the list can be any length.
main() 3/4
# Attempt at swapping two variables in a function
# FAIL! Swapping within a function won't work. :(
# Why? Only passing in *copies* of parameters, not the original variables
def swap( a, b):
tmp = a
a = b
b = tmp
print(a, b)
x = 5
y = 7
swap(x, y)
print("x =", x)
print("y =", y) 4/4
# Demonstrates how we can include other's code in our code
# by importing them as modules.
from binaryToDecimal import *
def testIsBinary():
Test the isBinary function.
Displays the correctness or incorrectness of the function.
Does not return anything.
# ----------- Test where the result should be True ---------
testBinaryTrue = ["0", "1", "10", "1001", "10000"]
for test in testBinaryTrue:
result = isBinary(test)
if result:
print(test, "successfully identified as binary")
print("**ERROR! **", test, "considered not binary")
# ----------- Test where the result should be False ---------
testBinaryFalse = ["a", "3", "-100", "123"]
for test in testBinaryFalse:
result = isBinary(test)
if not result:
print(test, "successfully identified as not binary")
print("**ERROR! **", test, "considered binary")
# ------------ Alternatively, have a list of inputs and expected ----
# Question: How difficult is it to verify additional test cases?
inputs = [ "0", "1", "10", "1001", "10000", "a", "3", "-100", "123"]
expectedResults = [ True, True, True, True, True, False, False, False, False]
for pos in range(len(inputs)):
testInput = inputs[pos]
if isBinary(testInput) != expectedResults[pos]:
print("Error on isBinary(", testInput, ")")
print("Expected", expectedResults[pos], "but got", isBinary(testInput))
def testBinaryToDecimal():
"""Test the binaryToDecimal function.
Displays the correctness or incorrectness of the function.
Nothing is returned."""
paramInputs = ["0", "1", "10", "1001", "10000", "1101", "10110"]
expectedResults = [ 0, 1, 2, 9, 16, 13, 22]
for index in range(len(paramInputs)):
paramInput = paramInputs[index]
expectedResult = expectedResults[index]
actualResult = binaryToDecimal(paramInput)
if actualResult != expectedResult:
print("**ERROR! **", paramInput, "should be", expectedResult)
print("Instead, got", actualResult)
print("Success on binary to decimal conversion for", paramInput, "-->", actualResult)
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