- 1/7
# Program to find the average of two numbers
# by Sara Sprenkle
def average2(num1, num2):
Parameters: two numbers to be averaged
Returns the average of two numbers
average = (num1 + num2)/2
return average
print("This program will find the average of two numbers.")
num1 = eval(input("Enter the first number: " ))
num2 = eval(input("Enter the second number: "))
# calculate the average of the two numbers
average = average2(num1, num2)
print("The average of", num1, "and", num2, "is", average) 2/7
# Program to find the average of two numbers.
# Demonstrates using a main function.
# by Sara Sprenkle
def main():
print("This program will find the average of two numbers.")
num1 = eval(input("Enter the first number: " ))
num2 = eval(input("Enter the second number: "))
# calculate the average of the two numbers
average = average2(num1, num2)
print("The average of", num1, "and", num2, "is", average)
def average2(num1, num2):
Parameters: two numbers to be averaged
Returns the average of two numbers
average = (num1 + num2)/2
return average
main() 3/7
# Program to find the average of two numbers.
# Demonstrates using a main function.
# by Sara Sprenkle
import test
def main():
print("This program will find the average of two numbers.")
num1 = eval(input("Enter the first number: " ))
num2 = eval(input("Enter the second number: "))
# calculate the average of the two numbers
average = average2(num1, num2)
print("The average of", num1, "and", num2, "is", average)
def average2(num1, num2):
Parameters: two numbers to be averaged
Returns the average of two numbers
average = (num1 + num2)/2
return average
def testAverage2():
Test the average2 function with good test cases.
# here is where the tests go:
#main() 4/7
# Mystery Program
# Used to demonstrate variable lifetimes and scope
def main():
x = 10
sum = sumEvens( x )
print("The sum of even #s up to", x, "is", sum)
def sumEvens(limit):
total = 0
for x in range(0, limit, 2):
total += x
return total
main() 5/7
# Print out verses of the song Old MacDonald
# Sara Sprenkle
BEGIN_END = "Old McDonald had a farm"
EIEIO = ", E-I-E-I-O"
def main():
# call the printVerse function to print out a verse
printVerse("dog", "ruff")
printVerse("duck", "quack")
animal_type = "cow"
animal_sound = "moo"
printVerse(animal_type, animal_sound)
# QUESTION: What happens if main called function as
# printVerse("ruff", "dog")
def printVerse(animal, sound):
Prints a verse of Old MacDonald, plugging in the animal and sound
parameters (which are strings), as appropriate.
print("And on that farm he had a", animal, EIEIO)
print("With a", sound, ", ", sound, "here")
print("And a ", sound, ", ", sound, "there")
print("Here a", sound)
print("There a", sound)
print("Everywhere a", sound, ", ", sound)
main() 6/7
# From How to Think Like a Computer Scientist textbook
def testEqual(actual, expected):
Parameters: actual and expected results for a function.
Displays "Pass" and returns True if the test case passes.
Displays error message, with expected and actual results, and returns False if test case fails.
if type(expected) == type(1):
# they're integers, so check if exactly the same
if actual == expected:
return True
elif type(expected) == type(1.11):
# a float is expected, so just check if it's very close, to allow for
# rounding errors
if abs(actual-expected) < 0.00001:
return True
# check if they are equal
if actual == expected:
return True
print('Test Failed: expected ' + str(expected) + ' but got ' + str(actual))
return False 7/7
# Demonstrate testing sumEvens function
# by CSCI111
import test
def main():
x = 10
sum = sumEvens( x )
print("The sum of even #s up to", x, "is", sum)
def testSumEvens():
A function to test that the sumEvens function works as expected.
If it does, the function will display "Pass" for each of the test cases.
actual = sumEvens(10)
expected = 20
test.testEqual( actual, expected )
# same test:
test.testEqual( sumEvens( 10 ), 20)
# what are other good tests?
test.testEqual( sumEvens( 11 ), 30)
test.testEqual( sumEvens( 1 ), 0)
test.testEqual( sumEvens( 0 ), 0)
test.testEqual( sumEvens( 100 ), 2450)
test.testEqual( sumEvens( 9 ), 20)
# this one will not pass -- just to show you what happens if a test case fails
test.testEqual( sumEvens( 10 ), 19)
def sumEvens(limit):
""" Adds up the even numbers, up to but not including
the limit (a positive integer).
Returns that sum."""
total = 0
for x in range(0, limit, 2):
total += x
return total
testSumEvens() # I just want to test the function to make sure it works.
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