- 1/5
# Compute the result of i ^ 2 + 3 j - 50
# By CSCI111
print("This program will evaluate the formula i^2 + 3j - 5 for you.")
i = float(input("What is the value of i? "))
j = float(input("What is the value of j? "))
result = i ** 2 + 3 * j - 5
print("The result of i^2 + 3j - 5 = ", result) 2/5
# In the process of refactoring...
# Compute the result of i ^ 2 + 3 j - 50
# CSCI111
import test
def main():
print("This program will evaluate the formula i^2 + 3j - 5 for you.")
i = float(input("What is the value of i? "))
j = float(input("What is the value of j? "))
result = calculateFormula(i, j)
print("The result of i^2 + 3j - 5 = ", result)
def calculateFormula(i, j):
Precondition: i and j are numbers
Postcondition: calculates i ** 2 + 3 * j - 5 and returns it
result = i ** 2 + 3 * j - 5
return result
def testCalculateFormula():
test.testEqual( calculateFormula(7, 2), 50 )
test.testEqual( calculateFormula(0, 0), -5 )
test.testEqual( calculateFormula(-1, 2), 2 )
test.testEqual( calculateFormula(2, 1.5), 3.5 )
main() 3/5
# Compute the result of i ^ 2 + 3 j - 50
# CSCI111
import test
def main():
print("This program will evaluate the formula i^2 + 3j - 5 for you.")
i = float(input("What is the value of i? "))
j = float(input("What is the value of j? "))
result = evaluateFormula(i, j)
print("The result of i^2 + 3j - 5 = ", result)
def evaluateFormula( i, j ):
Given two numbers, i and j (floats),
calculate and return the result of the formula i^2 + 3j - 5.
result = i**2 + 3*j - 5
return result
def testEvaluateFormula():
# add the tests...
test.testEqual(evaluateFormula(7, 2), 50)
main() 4/5
# Print out verses of the song Old MacDonald
# Sara Sprenkle
BEGIN_END = "Old McDonald had a farm"
EIEIO = ", E-I-E-I-O"
def main():
# call the printVerse function to print out a verse
printVerse("dog", "ruff")
printVerse("duck", "quack")
animal_type = "cow"
animal_sound = "moo"
printVerse(animal_type, animal_sound)
# QUESTION: What happens if main called function as
# printVerse("ruff", "dog")
def printVerse(animal, sound):
Prints a verse of Old MacDonald, plugging in the animal and sound
parameters (which are strings), as appropriate.
print("And on that farm he had a", animal, EIEIO)
print("With a", sound, ", ", sound, "here")
print("And a ", sound, ", ", sound, "there")
print("Here a", sound)
print("There a", sound)
print("Everywhere a", sound, ", ", sound)
if __name__ == '__main__':
main() 5/5
# Calculates a team's winning percentage
# By CSCI111
import test
def main():
print("This program calculates your team's win percentage")
teamWins = eval(input("How many wins are there? "))
teamLosses = eval(input("How many losses are there? "))
pct = calculateWinPct(teamWins, teamLosses)
print("Your team's win percentage is", pct)
def calculateWinPct(wins, losses):
Precondition: wins and losses are both non-negative integers
(if both wins and losses are 0, will cause error).
Postcondition: calculates and returns the win percentage,
which will be a float such that 1 >= percentage >=0
totalGames = wins + losses
pct = wins/totalGames
return pct
def testCalculateWinPct():
test.testEqual( calculateWinPct(5, 15), .25)
test.testEqual( calculateWinPct(1, 1), .5)
test.testEqual( calculateWinPct(5, 0), 1.0)
test.testEqual( calculateWinPct(0, 5), 0.0)
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