
  5. 1/5

# Compute the result of i ^ 2 + 3 j - 50
# By CSCI111

print("This program will evaluate the formula i^2 + 3j - 5 for you.")

i = float(input("What is the value of i? "))
j = float(input("What is the value of j? "))

result = i ** 2 + 3 * j - 5

print("The result of i^2 + 3j - 5 = ", result) 2/5

# In the process of refactoring...
# Compute the result of i ^ 2 + 3 j - 50
# CSCI111

import test

def main():
    print("This program will evaluate the formula i^2 + 3j - 5 for you.")

    i = float(input("What is the value of i? "))
    j = float(input("What is the value of j? "))
    result = calculateFormula(i, j)
    print("The result of i^2 + 3j - 5 = ", result)

def calculateFormula(i, j):
    Precondition: i and j are numbers
    Postcondition: calculates i ** 2 + 3 * j - 5 and returns it
    result = i ** 2 + 3 * j - 5
    return result

def testCalculateFormula():
    test.testEqual( calculateFormula(7, 2), 50 )
    test.testEqual( calculateFormula(0, 0), -5 )
    test.testEqual( calculateFormula(-1, 2), 2 )
    test.testEqual( calculateFormula(2, 1.5), 3.5 )

main() 3/5

# Compute the result of i ^ 2 + 3 j - 50
# CSCI111

import test

def main():
    print("This program will evaluate the formula i^2 + 3j - 5 for you.")
    i = float(input("What is the value of i? "))
    j = float(input("What is the value of j? "))
    result = evaluateFormula(i, j)
    print("The result of i^2 + 3j - 5 = ", result)

def evaluateFormula( i, j ):
    Given two numbers, i and j (floats),
    calculate and return the result of the formula i^2 + 3j - 5.
    result = i**2 + 3*j - 5
    return result
def testEvaluateFormula():
    # add the tests...
    test.testEqual(evaluateFormula(7, 2), 50)
main() 4/5

# Print out verses of the song Old MacDonald
# Sara Sprenkle

BEGIN_END = "Old McDonald had a farm"
EIEIO = ", E-I-E-I-O"

def main():
    # call the printVerse function to print out a verse
    printVerse("dog", "ruff")
    printVerse("duck", "quack")
    animal_type = "cow"
    animal_sound = "moo"
    printVerse(animal_type, animal_sound)

# QUESTION: What happens if main called function as
# printVerse("ruff", "dog")

def printVerse(animal, sound):
    Prints a verse of Old MacDonald, plugging in the animal and sound
    parameters (which are strings), as appropriate.
    print(BEGIN_END, EIEIO)
    print("And on that farm he had a", animal, EIEIO)
    print("With a", sound, ", ", sound, "here")
    print("And a ", sound, ", ", sound, "there")
    print("Here a", sound)
    print("There a", sound)
    print("Everywhere a", sound, ", ", sound)
    print(BEGIN_END, EIEIO)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main() 5/5

# Calculates a team's winning percentage
# By CSCI111

import test

def main():
    print("This program calculates your team's win percentage")
    teamWins = eval(input("How many wins are there? "))
    teamLosses = eval(input("How many losses are there? "))
    pct = calculateWinPct(teamWins, teamLosses)
    print("Your team's win percentage is", pct)

def calculateWinPct(wins, losses):
    Precondition: wins and losses are both non-negative integers
        (if both wins and losses are 0, will cause error).
    Postcondition: calculates and returns the win percentage,
        which will be a float such that 1 >= percentage >=0
    totalGames = wins + losses
    pct = wins/totalGames
    return pct
def testCalculateWinPct():
    test.testEqual( calculateWinPct(5, 15), .25)
    test.testEqual( calculateWinPct(1, 1), .5)
    test.testEqual( calculateWinPct(5, 0), 1.0)
    test.testEqual( calculateWinPct(0, 5), 0.0)

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