- 1/5
# Reads in the file "data/years.csv", which has the form:
# lastname,firstname,email,Ugr:class
# Note: .csv extension means "comma-separated values"
# Removes the "Ugr:" prefix on the class and writes the data to the file
# in the form:
# lastname class
# (If time, format the data into nice columns. What would be
# good widths for the data?)
# By CSCI 111
# open the files
inputFile = open(INPUT_FILE, "r")
outputFile = open(OUTPUT_FILE, "w")
# read through each line of the input file
for line in inputFile:
# split the line on ,
infoList = line.split(",")
# get the last name (first index) and the class year (last index)
lastName = infoList[0]
classYear = infoList[-1] # equivalent to infoList[3]
# Note that the split does not remove the "\n" from line,
# so classYear will end with a newline character
# remove Ugr: from the classname
classYear = classYear.replace("Ugr:", "")
# equivalent to classYear = classYear[4:]
# or split on ":"
# write data to the output file
outputFile.write(lastName + " " + classYear)
# if classYear did not end with a newline character,
# we'd need to add a newline character here.
# close the files
outputFile.close() 2/5
# Demonstrate file handling exception
# Sara Sprenkle
import sys
def main():
infileName = input("What file do you want to read? ")
# put the "correct"/"usual" behavior within the try
inFile = open(infileName, "r")
# normally, we would do some sort of processing of the file here.
except IOError as exc: # exc is the name of the thrown exception
print("Error reading \"" + infileName + "\".")
# could be a variety of different problems, so print out
# the exception
outfileName = input("What file do you want to write? ")
outFile = open(outfileName, "w")
# normally, we would do some sort of processing of the file here.
except IOError as exc:
print("Error writing \"" + outfileName + "\".")
# no need to exit here because there is nothing else to do.
main() 3/5
# Writes content from a user to a file
# by Sara Sprenkle
PROMPT = "Enter the next line in the file: "
outfilename = input("What is the name of your output file? ")
numLines = eval(input("How many lines do you want to write? "))
# create a new file object, in "write" mode
dataFile = open(outfilename, "w")
for x in range(numLines):
userinput = input(PROMPT)
# write the user's input to the file
# write a newline after each input from the user
# close the file with the method "close"
dataFile.close() 4/5
# A module of useful functions for games.
# By Sara Sprenkle
from random import *
def rollDie(sides):
Given the number of sides on the die (a positive integer),
simulates rolling a die by returning the rolled value.
return randint(1,sides)
def rollMultipleDice(numDice, sides):
Given the number of dice (numDice, a positive integer) and
the number of sides on the dice (sides, a positive integer),
simulates rolling those dice and returns the sum of the rolled
diceTotal = 0
for x in range(numDice):
diceTotal += rollDie(sides)
return diceTotal
def testRollDie():
Tests the rollDie function. Does not guarantee correctness,
but gives us some confidence in the function's correctness.
numTests = 0
numSuccesses = 0
for sides in range(1, 13):
numTests += 1
roll = rollDie(sides)
if roll < 1 or roll > sides:
print("Error rolling die with", sides, "sides. Got", roll)
numSuccesses += 1
print("Test passed", numSuccesses, "out of", numTests, "tests")
def testRollMultipleDice():
Tests the rollMultipleDice function. Does not guarantee correctness,
but gives us some confidence in the function's correctness.
numTests = 0
numSuccesses = 0
for numDie in range(1, 5):
for sides in range(1, 13):
numTests += 1
roll = rollMultipleDice( numDie, sides)
if roll < numDie or roll > numDie * sides:
print("Error rolling", numDie, "dice with", sides, "sides. Got"
, roll)
numSuccesses += 1
print("Test passed", numSuccesses, "out of", numTests, "tests")
if __name__ == "__main__":
testRollMultipleDice() 5/5
# Demonstrate validating user input
# Modified from a student's code from lab assignment
import sys
def main():
#Program mission statement
print("This program determines your birth year")
print("given your age and the current year \n")
age = int(input("Enter your age: "))
# note difference if use eval instead of int in above
currentyear = int(input("Enter the current year: "))
print("ERROR: Your input was not in the correct form.")
print("Enter integers for your age and the current year")
if age < 0 or age > 115:
print("Come on: you have to be a reasonable age.")
elif currentyear < 0:
print("You need to have a positive year.")
#Subtract age from current year
birthyear=currentyear - age
#Display output to the user
print("You were either born in", birthyear, "or", birthyear-1)
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