
  2. 1/2

import test

class Card:
    A class to represent a standard playing card. The ranks are ints:
    2-10 for numbered cards, 11=Jack, 12=Queen, 13=King, 14=Ace.
    The suits are strings: 'clubs', 'spades', 'hearts', 'diamonds'.
    def __init__(self, rank, suit):
        "Constructs a new Card object with the given rank (an int) and suit (a string)."
        self._rank = rank
        self._suit = suit

    def __str__(self):
        "Returns a string describing the card as 'rank of suit'."
        result = ""
        if self._rank == 11:
            result += "Jack"
        elif self._rank == 12:
            result += "Queen"
        elif self._rank == 13:
            result += "King"
        elif self._rank == 14:
            result += "Ace"
            result += str(self._rank)
        result += " of " + self._suit
        return result
    def getRank(self):
        "Returns rank."	
        return self._rank

    def getSuit(self):
        "Returns suit."
        return self._suit
    def getRummyValue(self):
        "Returns the value of the card in the game of Rummy."
        # using the helper method may not be the best way
        # to implement this, but want to show what we can do.
        if self._isFaceCard(): # handles face cards
            return 10
        elif self._rank == 14: # handles Ace
            return 15
        elif self._rank == 10: # handles 10
            return 10
            return 5
    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Returns true if this object and other are equivalent
        based on their rank and suit"""
        # verify that self and other are the same type
        if type(self) != type(other):
            return False
        # do comparison
        return self._rank == other._rank and self._suit == other._suit
    def __lt__(self, other):
        """ Compares Card objects by their rank"""
        # verify that self and other are the same type
        if type(self) != type(other):
            return False
        # do comparison
        return self._rank < other._rank
    def _isFaceCard(self):
        "Returns True iff the card is a face card."
        if self._rank > 10 and self._rank < 14:
            return True
        return False

def main():
    c1 = Card(14, "spades")
    c2 = Card(13, "hearts")
    c3 = Card(2, "diamonds")
    # test getRummyValue
    test.testEqual( c1.getRummyValue(), 15 )
    test.testEqual( c2.getRummyValue(), 10 )
    test.testEqual( c3.getRummyValue(), 5 )

    # test equals and less than
    test.testEqual( c1 == c2, False)
    test.testEqual( c1 < c2, False)
    test.testEqual( c2 < c1, True)
    print("\nTested cards in sorted order:")
    for card in testCases:
# Since I am probably going to import this script into another script,
# I only want to call main() when it's *not* imported 
if __name__ == '__main__':
    main() 2/2

# Implementation of a deck of cards.
# by CSCI 111

from card import *
from random import shuffle

class Deck:
    """ A class to represent a deck of playing cards."""
    def __init__(self):
        """Creates a new Deck object, filled with one of each
        unique card."""
        self._cardsList = []
        # create the list of cards from all the combinations of the ranks and suits
        for suit in ["diamonds", "clubs", "hearts", "spades"]:
            for rank in range(2, 15):
                # create the card
                card = Card(rank, suit)
    def __str__(self):
        """Returns a string representing the cards that are
        in the deck."""
        strrep = ""
        for card in self._cardsList:
            strrep += str(card) + "\n"
        return strrep
    def getNumRemaining(self):
        "Returns the number of cards in the deck."
        return len(self._cardsList)
    def drawCard(self):
        Removes and returns the top card from the deck
        topCard = self._cardsList.pop(0)
        return topCard
    def draw(self, numCards):
        Returns a list of cards drawn from the deck, 
        removing the cards from the deck.
            numCards: the number of cards to draw from the deck
        hand = []
        for x in range(numCards):
            card = self.drawCard()
        return hand 

def main():
    d = Deck()
    # we could test the __str__ method, but, man, that is a beast at 
    # this point, when the deck is full of cards.
    test.testEqual( d.getNumRemaining(), 52 )
    # The deck isn't shuffled, so the top card is 2 of diamonds
    topCard = d.drawCard()
    test.testEqual( str(topCard), "2 of diamonds" )
    test.testEqual( d.getNumRemaining(), 51)
# Since I am probably going to import this script into another script,
# I only want to call main() when it's *not* imported
if __name__ == "__main__":

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