- ./
- ./
- ./
- ./
- ./
- ./
- ./
- ./
- ./
./ 1/9
# Compares two versions of the same program, one uses break, one doesn't.
# by Sara Sprenkle
# ---------- while LOOP ----------
# condition says when loop will continue
x=eval(input("Enter number: "))
while x % 2 != 0 :
x = eval(input("Try again: "))
print(x, "is an even number. ")
# ---------- while LOOP USING break ----------
print("Again, but using break")
# have to look inside loop to know when it stops
while True :
x = eval(input("Enter number: "))
if x % 2 == 0 :
print(x, "is an even number.")
./ 2/9
# Count how many times it takes to get 3 consecutive heads.
# This version uses a break statement
# By CSCI111
from random import randint
from game import *
print("This program finds how many coin flips it took before")
print("we get", NUM_CONSECUTIVE, "consecutive heads")
./ 3/9
# Count how many times it takes to get 3 consecutive heads
# By CSCI111
from game import *
print("This program finds how many coin flips it took before")
print("we get", NUM_CONSECUTIVE, "consecutive heads")
./ 4/9
# Helpful functions for games
# Only partial implementation for today's problems
# by CSCI111
from random import *
def flipCoin():
Simulates flipping a non-biased coin.
returns either HEADS or TAILS.
return randint(HEADS, TAILS)
def testFlipCoin():
""" tests the flipCoin function.
Does not _guarantee_ success but helps gain confidence in correctness
numTests = 20
numSuccesses = 0
for x in range(numTests):
flipped = flipCoin()
if flipped == HEADS or flipped == TAILS:
numSuccesses += 1
print( numSuccesses, "out of", numTests, "tests passed.")
if __name__ == '__main__':
./ 5/9
# What does this loop do?
# By Sara Sprenkle
count = 1
while count > 0:
count += 1
print("After the loop")
./ 6/9
# The Very Simple Therapist
# By CSCI 111
print("Welcome to computerized therapy!")
print("You will get your money's worth.")
print("Our session is over when you have nothing more to tell me.")
user_input = input("Tell me what's wrong.\n")
while user_input != "":
user_input = input("How does that make you feel?\n")
print("Thank you! Come again!")
./ 7/9
# A very special Valentine's Day program
# BY CSCI 111
print("Happy [Belated] Valentine's Day!")
print("Press enter when you feel unconditional love.")
user_input = input("How was your day, valentine?\n")
while user_input != "":
print("Remember: I will always love you.\n")
user_input = input("Tell me more, valentine.\n")
print("I hope you feel loved.")
./ 8/9
# Demonstrates a simple while loop.
# Trace through program and show what would be output.
# Sara Sprenkle
i = 0
while i < 5 :
print("i equals", i)
print("Done", i)
./ 9/9
# Code to compare a while loop with a for loop
# by Sara Sprenkle
# ---------- WHILE LOOP ----------
print("While Loop Demo")
while i < 5:
print("i equals", i)
i += 1
print("Done", i)
# ---------- FOR LOOP ----------
print("\nFor Loop Demo")
for i in range(5):
print("i equals", i)
print("Done", i)
# To give exactly the same output as the while loop,
# would need to print out i+1
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