- ./
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- ./
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- ./
./ 1/6
# Example illustrating list operations:
# concatenation, subsequences and iteration
# by Sara Sprenkle
weekDays = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri"]
weekendDays = ["Sat", "Sun"]
# combine two lists into one
daysOfWeek = weekDays + weekendDays
print("The Days of the Week:")
# iterate through elements of list
for day in daysOfWeek:
# iterate through positions of list
for x in range(len(daysOfWeek)):
# reorganizing days of week to start on a Sunday
daysOfWeek = weekendDays[-1:] + weekDays + weekendDays[:1]
# weekdays:
extractedWeekdays = daysOfWeek[1:6]
print("Extracted weekdays:", extractedWeekdays)
extractWeekend = daysOfWeek[:1] + daysOfWeek[-1:]
print("Extracted weekend: ", extractWeekend)
extractWeekend2 = [daysOfWeek[0], daysOfWeek[-1]]
print("Extracted weekend: ", extractWeekend2)
notExtractedWeekend = daysOfWeek[0] + daysOfWeek[-1]
print("Does not work: ", notExtractedWeekend)
./ 2/6
# Example of creating a list of the appropriate size
# Computes the first SIZE Fibonacci numbers
# Tradeoff of using more space (the list, rather than a few variables)
# for easier implementation
# Sara Sprenkle
SIZE = 20
print("This program generates the first", SIZE, "Fibonacci numbers")
# creates a list of size SIZE, containing all 0s
fibs = [0]*SIZE
#fibs[0] = 0
fibs[1] = 1
for x in range(2, len(fibs)):
newfib = fibs[x-1]+fibs[x-2]
fibs[x] = newfib
# print that list out, as a list
# To print out the list, individually (instead of as a list)
print("Printing elements of list: ")
for num in fibs:
print(num, end=" ")
./ 3/6
# Example of appending to a list
# Computes the first SIZE Fibonacci numbers
# Tradeoff of using more space (the list, rather than a few variables)
# for easier implementation
# Sara Sprenkle
SIZE = 20
print("This program generates the first", SIZE, "Fibonacci numbers")
# create an empty list
fibs = []
# append the first two Fibonacci numbers
# compute the next 13 Fibonacci numbers
for x in range(SIZE-2):
newfib = fibs[-1] + fibs[-2]
# print the Fibonacci numbers as a list
# To print out the list, individually (instead of as a list)
print("Printing elements of list: ")
for num in fibs:
print(num, end=" ")
./ 4/6
# These are the people I know
# by Sara Sprenkle
friends = ["Alice", "Bjorn", "Casey", "Duane", "Elsa", "Farrah"]
for name in friends:
print("I know " + name + ".")
print("{:s} is a friend of mine.".format(name))
print("Those are the people I know.")
# TODO: write using range in for loop
./ 5/6
# Demonstrates a different way to handle multiple bad inputs
# Extra program, not covered in class. Another example to
# help improve your coding skills.
# by Sara Sprenkle
WMIN = 2
WMAX = 80
HMIN = 2
HMAX = 20
WIDTH_INPUT = "Enter a width (" + str(WMIN) + "-" + str(WMAX) + "): "
HEIGHT_INPUT = "Enter a height (" + str(HMIN) + "-" + str(HMAX) + "): "
width = eval(input(WIDTH_INPUT))
height = eval(input(HEIGHT_INPUT))
error = False
errorMessage = "\nError: \n"
# What does the following code do?
if width < WMIN or width > WMAX:
error = True
errorMessage += "\tWidth (" +str(width) + ") is not within range (" + str(WMIN) + "-" + str(WMAX) + ")\n"
if height < HMIN or height > HMAX:
error = True
errorMessage += "\tHeight (" +str(height) + ") is not with range ("+ str(HMIN) + "-" + str(HMAX) + ")\n"
if error:
./ 6/6
# Print out verses of the song Old MacDonald
# Sara Sprenkle
BEGIN_END = "Old McDonald had a farm"
EIEIO = ", E-I-E-I-O"
def main():
animals = ["cow", "pig", "duck", "dog"]
sounds = ["moo", "oink", "quack", "ruff"]
for i in range(len(animals)):
printVerse( animals[i], sounds[i])
def printVerse(animal, sound):
Prints a verse of Old MacDonald, plugging in the animal and sound
parameters (which are strings), as appropriate.
print("And on that farm he had a", animal, EIEIO)
print("With a", sound, ", ", sound, "here")
print("And a ", sound, ", ", sound, "there")
print("Here a", sound)
print("There a", sound)
print("Everywhere a", sound, ", ", sound)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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