
  1. ./
  2. ./
  3. ./
  4. ./
  5. ./
  6. ./

./ 1/6

# Example illustrating list operations: 
# concatenation, subsequences and iteration
# by Sara Sprenkle

weekDays = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri"]
weekendDays = ["Sat", "Sun"]

# combine two lists into one
daysOfWeek = weekDays + weekendDays

print("The Days of the Week:")

# iterate through elements of list
for day in daysOfWeek:


# iterate through positions of list
for x in range(len(daysOfWeek)):

# reorganizing days of week to start on a Sunday
daysOfWeek = weekendDays[-1:] + weekDays + weekendDays[:1]

# weekdays:
extractedWeekdays = daysOfWeek[1:6]
print("Extracted weekdays:", extractedWeekdays)

extractWeekend = daysOfWeek[:1] + daysOfWeek[-1:]
print("Extracted weekend: ", extractWeekend)

extractWeekend2 = [daysOfWeek[0], daysOfWeek[-1]]
print("Extracted weekend: ", extractWeekend2)

notExtractedWeekend = daysOfWeek[0] + daysOfWeek[-1]
print("Does not work: ", notExtractedWeekend)

./ 2/6

# Example of creating a list of the appropriate size
# Computes the first SIZE Fibonacci numbers
# Tradeoff of using more space (the list, rather than a few variables)
# for easier implementation
# Sara Sprenkle

SIZE = 20

print("This program generates the first", SIZE, "Fibonacci numbers")

# creates a list of size SIZE, containing all 0s
fibs = [0]*SIZE

#fibs[0] = 0
fibs[1] = 1

for x in range(2, len(fibs)):
    newfib = fibs[x-1]+fibs[x-2]
    fibs[x] = newfib

# print that list out, as a list

# To print out the list, individually (instead of as a list)
print("Printing elements of list: ")
for num in fibs:
    print(num, end=" ")

./ 3/6

# Example of appending to a list
# Computes the first SIZE Fibonacci numbers

# Tradeoff of using more space (the list, rather than a few variables)
# for easier implementation
# Sara Sprenkle

SIZE = 20

print("This program generates the first", SIZE, "Fibonacci numbers")

# create an empty list
fibs = []

# append the first two Fibonacci numbers

# compute the next 13 Fibonacci numbers
for x in range(SIZE-2):
    newfib = fibs[-1] + fibs[-2]

# print the Fibonacci numbers as a list

# To print out the list, individually (instead of as a list)
print("Printing elements of list: ")
for num in fibs:
    print(num, end=" ")

./ 4/6

# These are the people I know
# by Sara Sprenkle

friends = ["Alice", "Bjorn", "Casey", "Duane", "Elsa", "Farrah"]

for name in friends:
    print("I know " + name + ".")
    print("{:s} is a friend of mine.".format(name))
print("Those are the people I know.")

# TODO: write using range in for loop

./ 5/6

# Demonstrates a different way to handle multiple bad inputs
# Extra program, not covered in class.  Another example to
# help improve your coding skills.
# by Sara Sprenkle

WMIN = 2
WMAX = 80
HMIN = 2
HMAX = 20

WIDTH_INPUT = "Enter a width (" + str(WMIN) + "-" + str(WMAX) + "): "
HEIGHT_INPUT = "Enter a height (" + str(HMIN) + "-" + str(HMAX) + "): "

width = eval(input(WIDTH_INPUT))
height = eval(input(HEIGHT_INPUT))

error = False
errorMessage = "\nError: \n"

# What does the following code do?
if width < WMIN or width > WMAX:
    error = True
    errorMessage += "\tWidth (" +str(width) + ") is not within range (" + str(WMIN) + "-" + str(WMAX) + ")\n"
if height < HMIN or height > HMAX:
    error = True
    errorMessage += "\tHeight (" +str(height) + ") is not with range ("+ str(HMIN) + "-" + str(HMAX) + ")\n"
if error:

./ 6/6

# Print out verses of the song Old MacDonald
# Sara Sprenkle

BEGIN_END = "Old McDonald had a farm"
EIEIO = ", E-I-E-I-O"

def main():
    animals = ["cow", "pig", "duck", "dog"]
    sounds = ["moo", "oink", "quack", "ruff"]
    for i in range(len(animals)):
        printVerse( animals[i], sounds[i])

def printVerse(animal, sound):
    Prints a verse of Old MacDonald, plugging in the animal and sound
    parameters (which are strings), as appropriate.
    print(BEGIN_END, EIEIO)
    print("And on that farm he had a", animal, EIEIO)
    print("With a", sound, ", ", sound, "here")
    print("And a ", sound, ", ", sound, "there")
    print("Here a", sound)
    print("There a", sound)
    print("Everywhere a", sound, ", ", sound)
    print(BEGIN_END, EIEIO)

if __name__ == "__main__":

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