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# Card class and demonstration of use
# by CSCI111
import test
class Card:
A class to represent a standard playing card. The ranks are ints:
2-10 for numbered cards, 11=Jack, 12=Queen, 13=King, 14=Ace.
The suits are strings: 'clubs', 'spades', 'hearts', 'diamonds'.
def __init__(self, rank, suit):
"Constructs a new Card object with the given rank (an int) and suit (a string)."
self._rank = rank
self._suit = suit
def __str__(self):
"Returns a string describing the card as 'rank of suit'."
result = ""
if self._rank == 11:
result += "Jack"
elif self._rank == 12:
result += "Queen"
elif self._rank == 13:
result += "King"
elif self._rank == 14:
result += "Ace"
result += str(self._rank)
result += " of " + self._suit
return result
def getRank(self):
"Returns this card's rank."
return self._rank
def getSuit(self):
"Returns this card's suit."
return self._suit
def getCardColor(self):
Returns the color of the card's suit.
This will be "red" for hearts and diamonds and
"black" for spades and clubs
if self._suit == "diamonds" or self._suit == "hearts":
color = "red"
color = "black"
return color
def getRummyValue(self):
Returns the value of the card in a game
of Rummy.
def main():
c1 = Card(14, "spades")
c2 = Card(13, "hearts")
c3 = Card(2, "diamonds")
# could put the tests in separate functions
# but want to test the same object in different ways
# test the getSuit() method and constructor
test.testEqual(c1.getSuit(), "spades")
test.testEqual(c2.getSuit(), "hearts")
test.testEqual(c3.getSuit(), "diamonds")
# test the getRank() method and constructor
test.testEqual(c1.getRank(), 14)
test.testEqual(c2.getRank(), 13)
test.testEqual(c3.getRank(), 2)
# test the __str__ method
test.testEqual( str(c1), "Ace of spades")
test.testEqual( str(c2), "King of hearts")
test.testEqual( str(c3), "2 of diamonds")
# test the getCardColor method
cardColor = c1.getCardColor()
test.testEqual( c1.getCardColor(), "black")
test.testEqual( c2.getCardColor(), "red")
# TODO: test the getRummyValue method
myHand = [ c1, c2, c3 ]
# Problem: determine the rummy value of this hand
rummyValue = 0
for card in myHand:
rummyValue += card.getRummyValue()
print( rummyValue)
# showing other ways to call the str method
myString = c3.__str__()
myString2 = str(c3)
# Since I am probably going to import this class into another script,
# I only want to call main() when it's *not* imported
if __name__ == '__main__':
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# Demonstrates abstraction: has same interface as
# but different implementation, e.g., defining state using an id.
class Card:
A class to represent a standard playing card. The ranks are ints:
2-10 for numbered cards, 11=Jack, 12=Queen, 13=King, 14=Ace.
The suits are strings: 'clubs', 'spades', 'hearts', 'diamonds'.
def __init__(self, rank, suit):
"Constructor for class Card takes int rank and string suit."
# card ids go from 2 to 55
self._cardid = rank
if suit == "clubs":
self._cardid += 13
elif suit == "hearts":
self._cardid += 26
elif suit == "diamonds":
self._cardid += 39
def __str__(self):
"Returns a string describing the card as 'rank of suit'."
result = ""
rank = self.getRank()
if rank == 11:
result += "Jack"
elif rank == 12:
result += "Queen"
elif rank == 13:
result += "King"
elif rank == 14:
result += "Ace"
result += str(rank)
result += " of " + self.getSuit()
return result
def getRank(self):
"Returns rank."
return (self._cardid-2) % 13 + 2
def getSuit(self):
"Returns suit."
suits = ["spades", "clubs", "hearts", "diamonds"]
whichsuit = (self._cardid-2)//13
return suits[whichsuit]
def blackJackValue(self):
"Returns the value of the card in Black Jack"
if self.getRank() == 14:
# alternatively, this could be 11
return 1
elif self.getRank() > 10:
return 10
return self.getRank()
def getRummyValue(self):
"Returns the value of the card in Rummy"
def main():
c1 = Card(14, "spades")
print( c1 )
print( c1.getRank() )
#print( "Black Jack Value", c1.blackJackValue())
print( "Rummy Value", c1.getRummyValue())
c2 = Card(13, "hearts")
print("Black Jack Value", c2.blackJackValue())
#print("Rummy Value", c2.getRummyValue())
if __name__ == '__main__':
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# Card class and demonstration of use
# by CSCI111
import test
class Card:
A class to represent a standard playing card. The ranks are ints:
2-10 for numbered cards, 11=Jack, 12=Queen, 13=King, 14=Ace.
The suits are strings: 'clubs', 'spades', 'hearts', 'diamonds'.
def __init__(self, rank, suit):
"Constructs a new Card object with the given rank (an int) and suit (a string)."
self._rank = rank
self._suit = suit
def __str__(self):
"Returns a string describing the card as 'rank of suit'."
result = ""
if self._rank == 11:
result += "Jack"
elif self._rank == 12:
result += "Queen"
elif self._rank == 13:
result += "King"
elif self._rank == 14:
result += "Ace"
result += str(self._rank)
result += " of " + self._suit
return result
def getRank(self):
"Returns this card's rank."
return self._rank
def getSuit(self):
"Returns this card's suit."
return self._suit
def main():
c1 = Card(14, "spades")
c2 = Card(13, "hearts")
c3 = Card(2, "diamonds")
myCards = [c1, c2, c3]
# could put the tests in separate functions
# but want to test the same object in different ways
# test the getSuit() method and constructor
test.testEqual(c1.getSuit(), "spades")
test.testEqual(c2.getSuit(), "hearts")
test.testEqual(c3.getSuit(), "diamonds")
# showing how we can test a method with a bunch of objects all at once.
expectedResults = ["spades", "hearts", "diamonds"]
for index in range(len(myCards)):
test.testEqual( myCards[index].getSuit(), expectedResults[index])
# test the getRank() method and constructor
test.testEqual(c1.getRank(), 14)
test.testEqual(c2.getRank(), 13)
test.testEqual(c3.getRank(), 2)
# test the __str__ method
test.testEqual( str(c1), "Ace of spades")
test.testEqual( str(c2), "King of hearts")
test.testEqual( str(c3), "2 of diamonds")
# showing other ways to call the str method
myString = c3.__str__()
myString2 = str(c3)
# Since I am probably going to import this class into another script,
# I only want to call main() when it's *not* imported
if __name__ == '__main__':
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# From How to Think Like a Computer Scientist textbook
def testEqual(actual,expected,places=5):
Does the actual value equal the expected value?
For floats, places indicates how many places, right of the decimal, must be correct
if isinstance(expected,float):
if abs(actual-expected) < 10**(-places):
return True
if actual == expected:
return True
print('\tTest Failed: expected {} but got {}'.format(expected,actual))
return False
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# Simple implementation of the game of War
# There are some issues in simulation's accuracy.
# Pedagogical goal: practice calling object's methods to solve a problem.
# Sara Sprenkle
from card import *
from random import *
def main():
player1Card = genRandomCard()
player2Card = genRandomCard()
print("Player 1 draws a", player1Card)
print("Player 2 draws a", player2Card)
print(" --> ", end="")
# determine who wins this round of War
def genRandomCard():
""" Returns a randomly generated Card object.
Assumes an infinite number of decks of cards available."""
suits = ["hearts", "diamonds", "clubs", "spades"]
randRank = randint(2, 14) # generate a random rank
randSuit = suits[randint(0, 3)] # generate a random suit
# create a new Card object from randomly generated rank and suit
randomCard = Card( randRank, randSuit )
return randomCard
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