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Towards Being a Power User: Unix and Getting To Know Your Computer

Due Monday before class



I don't expect this assignment to take more than about 2 hours, ~1 hour for each part. Use your resources, including the Web, generally. (Note that using the Web is not what I will typically recommend.) If you're taking more than 2 hours, stop and email me.

Part 1: Reviewing Unix Commands


In this course, We are moving to intermediate computer science. Using the command-line can make us much more effective/efficient in performing common tasks. Often, tools will have a GUI for most users, and a command-line interface for the more skilled power users (see: git, AWS). We want you to be more comfortable with the command line.

A lot of ideas/tools are based on Unix, its commands, and its philosophy. If you know Unix, then other tools become easier to use because you are familiar with those ideas.

The Task

In a document (text, Word, Google doc), answer the questions below. Try to answer them on your own to start. Then, you can talk to your classmates or look them up. You may find this helpful: Unix commands



Unix Commands. For each of the following, state the command and then provide an example of using the command.


Part 2: Know Your Computer


In computer science, our main tool is a computer. (duh!) As we transition to the intermediate-level, it's important that we know our main tool well so that we can be more proficient and productive.

The Task

In a document (either the same one or a different one), answer the questions below. This is a little tricky because I can't check if your answers are correct. Since I mostly use Mac and Linux, I am not as good with Windows. I can check your answers with you, but the goal is for you to learn your computer. You can ask your classmates for help or look online. We can meet and discuss if you're not sure of the answers.

Optional: Using ssh

You can access other machines from your machine using a secure shell client (ssh). While we likely won't make much use of that capability during this class, it's common in upper-level courses/more advanced computing. Set up your machine to remotely access the lab machines.

Submitting your assignment

Show Professor Sprenkle your assignment at the beginning of class on Monday.

Grading (10 pts)

You will be graded on making a good-faith effort in completing the tasks.