Objective: For each student to analyze the project objectively and learn from its successes and failures (or maybe just non-successes).

It is important for each team member to review the project's history, analyzing its positive and negative aspects. Typically such reviews are called post-project reviews or "postmortems". The goal of a postmortem is to draw meaningful conclusions to help you learn from your successes and failures. (Remember: good judgment comes from experience.) Despite its grim-sounding name, a postmortem can be an extremely productive method of improving your development practices.

Each team member will analyze his/her experience. You may meet as a team to refresh your collective memory about the project's timeline and how specific key decisions were made, but the analysis itself should be written individually. This document should not attempt to assign blame.

Your analysis will address three distinct topics:

  1. a technical evaluation of the project's code and design
  2. an evaluation of the progress and decisions made by your team
  3. an attempt to assess your overall effort

This should be an honest, thoughtful reflection that aims to identify specific actions that either helped or hurt later in the process. Additionally, it can demonstrate your knowledge of the design concepts of the course that may not be easily represented in other project documentation.

At least the following sections must be included in your analysis. Questions are provided to get you started thinking about what to consider within each section, you may include anything else you feel is relevant. In other words, do not be limited by these questions but include them at least.


Begin with an overview of your project, including a design overview and estimated time spent on project. Describe the product's purpose, intended user, and other general information. This is intended to refresh your memory about the project when you read this analysis again later in your career (e.g., before a job interview!) as well as let me know what problem you thought you were solving.

Describe the three extensions your team implemented and how I can access/use/see these extensions in your implementation.

Document your initial thoughts about the project, including the initial design plans and what was implemented first.
Analyze the design and coding details of your project. Look over the entire project and determine how each class, each function, and ultimately each line of code contributes to the project as a whole.
Code Analysis Conclusions
What conclusions can you draw from analyzing your code? List both successes and shortcomings in your design.
Analyze the team's ability to collaborate, interaction, and productivity.
Future work
No project is ever completely finished. Discuss at least three parts of your project that still need fixing, that you wish you could understand better, or could be extended or made more flexible.


Copy your document (a text or PDF file--definitely not a .doc or .docx or .odt or .rtf) into your final directory in your turnin directory.

Alternatively, you can copy your file into your final directory in your cs209 directory. Then, run submitAssignment.sh final to submit the assignment.

You can create/save the files using Eclipse remotely and run the submitAssignment.sh script, adapting the directions from assignment 6.


Clear descriptions, articulation of answers to above questions. Evidence of understanding of code design.