returns a random non-negative integer less than max
SETHEADING degrees SETH degrees
sets the turtle's heading to degrees
SETBACKGROUND color_number
SETBG color_number
sets the background color of the screen to that represented by color_number.
SETPENCOLOR color_number
SETPC color_number
sets the color of the turtle's pen to that represented by color_number
SETPENSIZE thickness
SETPS thickness
sets the size of the turtle's pen to thickness
SETSHAPE shape_number
SETSH shape_number
sets the shape of the turtle to that represented by shape_number
SETPALETTE color_number r g b
sets the actual color corresponding to a given number. color_number must be an integer
greater than or equal to 8. (Logo tries to keep the first 8 colors constant.) The
next three nonnegative integers less than 256 specify the amount of red, green, and blue in
the desired color
returns the number of the turtle's current shape. If more than one
turtle is active, return that of the first active turtle. To get the
value of a specific turtle, use the command ASK.
returns the number of the background color
returns the number of the turtle's pen color. If more than one
turtle is active, return that of the first active turtle. To get the
value of a specific turtle, use the command ASK.
returns the size of the turtle's pen. If more than one
turtle is active, return that of the first active turtle. To get the
value of a specific turtle, use the command ASK.
TELL turtle(s)
sets the turtle(s) that will follow commands hereafter.
tells the turtle to enter wrap mode: From now on, if the turtle is
asked to move past the boundary of the graphics window, it will "wrap
around" and reappear at the opposite edge of the window. The top edge
wraps to the bottom edge, while the left edge wraps to the right edge. This is the turtle's initial mode.
tells the turtle to enter window mode: From now on, if the turtle
is asked to move past the boundary of the graphics window, it will
move off screen. The visible graphics window is considered as just
part of an infinite graphics plane; the turtle can be anywhere on the
tells the turtle to enter fence mode: From now on, if the turtle is
asked to move past the boundary of the graphics window, it will move
as far as it can and then stop at the edge with an "out of bounds"
error message.