/Codeheads/trunk/SLogo Developers

Number of Developers:
Author Author Id Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 351 (100.0%) 5126 (100.0%) 14.6
mforrestel mforrestel 204 (58.1%) 2473 (48.2%) 12.1
jgoergen jgoergen 83 (23.6%) 1305 (25.5%) 15.7
dfisher dfisher 39 (11.1%) 875 (17.1%) 22.4
morgana morgana 25 (7.1%) 473 (9.2%) 18.9

Last 12 Months

Author Up to 12/2012 1/2013 2/2013 3/2013 4/2013 5/2013 6/2013 7/2013 8/2013 9/2013 10/2013 11/2013 12/2013
Totals 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 320 (100.0%) 4806 (100.0%)
mforrestel 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 69 (21.6%) 2404 (50.0%)
jgoergen 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 251 (78.4%) 1054 (21.9%)
dfisher 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (0.0%) 875 (18.2%)
morgana 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (-) 0 (0.0%) 473 (9.8%)

Other Logins: sprenkle

Lines of Code

Contributed Lines of Code

Developer of the Month

Month Author Lines Tweet This
December 2013 mforrestel 2404 Tweet this
November 2013 sprenkle 2735 Tweet this

Developer Activity

Commit Activity

Author Activity

Activity by Clock Time

Activity by Hour of Day

Activity by Day of Week

Generated by StatSVN 0.7.0