Development Statistics for /Skynet/trunk/SLogo

2015-12-02 16:02
Head revision:
Report Period:
2013-11-18 to 2013-12-14
Total Files:
Total Lines of Code:
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Lines of Code

Lines of Code


Author Lines of Code
odells 2538 (44.4%)
taylorb 2414 (42.2%)
hardye 765 (13.4%)

Tag Cloud of Words in Commit Log Messages

addition adjusts alias aliases back because button chained changed changes changing class clean clearscreen color command comments context currently dashed degree difference different division doesn down draw drawn edit error evaluate execute file final fixed forward functional handle handling harry heading home image implemented input instruction intended jturtle just language languageprocessor left line look made main_turtle_name make menu need notequal only other parser pendown print processor properties purple radians repeat return right screen separate slider something subroutine supported sure their token towards trail turtle turtlefield user variables version wednesday well what width window working works



directory in repo [root] (7 files, 53 lines)
    directory in repo .settings (1 files, 11 lines)
    directory in repo src (1 files, 8 lines)
        directory in repo jturtle (5 files, 1192 lines)
            directory in repo images (3 files, 47 lines)
        directory in repo slogo (9 files, 462 lines)
            directory in repo expression (12 files, 481 lines)
            directory in repo instruction (37 files, 2101 lines)
            directory in repo parser (52 files, 2192 lines)
                directory in repo token (61 files, 1188 lines)
    directory in repo tests (7 files, 64 lines)

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