Assignment 9: Intermediate Unix Commands Practice

Objective: To get experience using more advanced Unix commands

Due: Before class on Friday, Oct 17.

Find the Unix Command

The goal is to answer the following questions using the least amount of output. For example, if I were to ask you the number of files in a directory, I don't want you to do an ls on the directory and then count the number of files by hand. I want you to get the answer using piped Unix commands, e.g., ls | wc.

What is the Unix command that will answer each of the following questions?

  1. For a specific Java file, on which lines did you use System.out.print but not System.out.println?
    (To demonstrate, you should use a file that contains at least one System.out.print.)
  2. How many public methods/constructors have you written in CS209?
    Note: This should not include fields or class definitions. You can assume that public will not show up in the comments.
  3. How many lines of code did you write in CS112 (if you took the class) or in CS209 (if you did not)?


After you have figured out the commands that answer the above queries, demonstrate the commands using the script command. The script command records what you type in a terminal into a file. By default, the file's name is typescript, or you can provide the name of the file as a command-line argument, as in the example below. To stop recording, type exit

Example use:

[sprenkle@hopper assignments]$ script cmd1.out
Script started, file is cmd1.out
[sprenkle@hopper assignments]$ pwd
[sprenkle@hopper assignments]$ ls
./            assign1.php    assign3.php   assign7.html  cmd1.out
../           Assign2.class  assign4.html  assign7.php   header.php
assign0.html  assign2.html   assign4.php   assign8.html  library.txt   assign5.html  assign8.php   tmp/
assign0.php   assign2.php    assign5.php   assign9.html
assign1.html  assign3.html   assign6.html  assign9.php   assign6.php   assign.css
[sprenkle@hopper assignments]$ head assign9.html
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
  <title>Assignment 9: Intermediate Unix Commands Practice</title>
   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="assign.css" />

<h1>Assignment 9: Intermediate Unix Commands Practice</h1>

[sprenkle@hopper assignments]$ exit
Script done, file is cmd1.out

The output file cmd1.out looks something like:

Script started on Mon 13 Oct 2008 05:14:57 PM EDT
[sprenkle@hopper assign
ments]$ pwd
[sprenkle@hopper assignments]$
./            assign1.php    assign3.php   assign7.html  cmd1.out
[sprenkle@hopper assignments]$

Script done on Mon 13 Oct 2008 05:15:20 PM EDT

In three separate files, demonstrate the Unix commands that answer the above questions. If you're using piping or commands within commands, execute the intermediate steps/commands before executing the whole command.

Turn in

Copy your three scripts into an assign9 directory in your turnin directory.

Grading (50 pts)

You will be evaluated based on the following criteria: