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./ 1/9
import java.util.Scanner;
* A program that demonstrates reading in from the console, using calculating
* the area of a rectangle as the example.
* @author Sara Sprenkle
public class ConsoleUsingScannerDemo {
* @param args
* not used in this program
public static void main(String[] args) {
// open the Scanner on the console input,
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
scan.useDelimiter("\n"); // breaks up by lines, useful for console I/O
System.out.print("Please enter the width of a rectangle: ");
int width = scan.nextInt();
System.out.print("Please enter the height of a rectangle: ");
int length = scan.nextInt();
System.out.println("The area of your square is " + length * width + ".");
./ 2/9
* This class converts inches to centimeters.
* This class demonstrates variable declarations and class constants,
* as well as command-line arguments.
* @author Sara Sprenkle
public class Conversion2 {
static final double CM_PER_INCH = 2.540;
* Called when user runs
* java Conversion2
public static void main(String[] args) {
if( args.length < 1 ) {
System.out.println("Usage: java Conversion2 <numinches>");
String numInchesStr = args[0];
double numInches = Double.parseDouble(numInchesStr);
double numCM = numInches*CM_PER_INCH;
// need to put + in between string literals and variables
// need to put explicit spaces into string literals
// Note that Java will automatically convert the ints and doubles
// to strings
System.out.println("There are " + numCM + " cm in " + numInches + " inches.");
./ 3/9
* This class converts inches to centimeters.
* This class also demonstrates class constants.
* @author Sara Sprenkle
public class Conversion {
public static final double CM_PER_INCH = 2.540;
* Called when user runs
* java Conversion
public static void main(String[] args) {
int numInches = 1;
double numCM = numInches*CM_PER_INCH;
// need to put + in between string literals and variables
// need to put explicit spaces into string literals
// Note that Java will automatically convert the ints and doubles
// to strings
System.out.println("There are " + numCM + " cm in " + numInches + " inches.");
./ 4/9
* Demonstrates different equals with Strings
* Run as
* java Equals <command-line argument>
* @author Sara Sprenkle
public class Equals {
public static void main(String args[]) {
String string1 = "same";
String string2 = string1;
// The following statement doesn't create a _new_ String object/memory
// allocation Java memory optimization
String string3 = "same";
String string4 = args[0]; //enter "same" as a command-line argument
//String string4 = "same"; //for first half of lecture
System.out.println("string1 == string2? " + (string1==string2));
System.out.println("string2 == string3? " + (string2==string3));
System.out.println("string1 == string4? " + (string1==string4));
// output should be
// true
// true
// false, regardless of what user enters
System.out.println("string1 equals string2? " + (string1.equals(string2)));
System.out.println("string2 equals string3? " + (string2.equals(string3)));
System.out.println("string1 equals string4? " + (string1.equals(string4)));
// output should be
// true
// true
// true (depending on what user enters)
./ 5/9
* This class demonstrates using some escape characters
* @author Sara Sprenkle
public class EscapeCharacters {
* Called when user runs
* java First
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("To print a \\, you must use \"\\\\\"");
./ 6/9
* This class demonstrates how to specify floats vs doubles in Java.
* But, it's easier to just use doubles.
* @author Sara Sprenkle
public class Float {
* Called when user runs
* java Float
public static void main(String[] args) {
float f = 3.14f;
// double f = 3.14;
./ 7/9
* This class demonstrates formatted printing in Java
* @author Sara Sprenkle
public class Format {
* Called when user runs
* java Format
public static void main(String[] args) {
double d1=3.14159, d2=1.45, total=9.43;
// simple formatting...
System.out.printf("%10.5f and %5.2f ", d1, d2);
// %n is platform-specific line separator, e.g., \n or \r\n
System.out.printf("%-6s%5.2f%n", "Tax:", total);
./ 8/9
* This class demonstrates using constants and methods from Java's Math class
* @author Sara Sprenkle
public class MathExample {
* Called when user runs
* java MathExample
public static void main(String[] args) {
int radius = 7;
double circumference = 2 * Math.PI * radius;
double area = Math.PI * radius * radius;
double area2 = Math.PI * Math.pow(radius, 2);
// These print statements would benefit from some formatting using printf
System.out.println("A circle with radius " + radius + "...");
System.out.println("\t has a circumference of " + circumference);
System.out.println("\t and an area of " + area);
System.out.println("\t verifying area " + area2);
// practicing with trigonometric functions
double angle = Math.PI;
double sin_angle = Math.sin(angle);
System.out.println("\n***** Trig Practice *****");
System.out.println("The sine of " + angle + " is " + sin_angle);
System.out.println("The cosine of " + angle + " is " + Math.cos(angle));
./ 9/9
* Demonstrate automatically changing a double to a String in a print statement
* and casting a variable to a certain type.
* @author Sara Sprenkle
public class TestScore {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int totalPoints = 110;
int earnedPoints = 87;
/* try removing the (double) below to see what happens. */
double testScore = (double) earnedPoints/totalPoints;
System.out.println("Your score is " + testScore);
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