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./ 1/4

 * A Java class that represents a Chicken. The state of the chicken is
 * its name, height and weight.  There is also a static variable
 * representing the name of the farm that the Chickens are on.
 * @author Sara Sprenkle
public class Chicken {

    // ------------ INSTANCE VARIABLES -------------------

    /** the name of the chicken */
    private String name;

    /** the height of the chicken in centimeters */
    private int height;

    /** the weight of the chicken in pounds */
    private double weight;

     * Create a new Chicken object with the charactistics as specified by the
     * parameters.
     * @param name the name of the chicken
     * @param height the height of the chicken in centimeters
     * @param weight the weight of the chicken in pounds
    public Chicken(String name, int height, double weight) { = name;
        this.height = height;
        this.weight = weight;

     * Default name: "Bubba"; height and weight specified by parameters
     * @param height the height of the chicken in centimeters
     * @param weight the weight of the chicken in pounds
    public Chicken(int height, double weight) {
        // if the user doesn't specify a name, let's make it Bubba
        this("Bubba", height, weight);

    // ----------- GETTER METHODS ------------
    // (also Accessor methods)

     * Returns the chicken's height, in centimeters
     * @return the height of the chicken, in centimeters
    public int getHeight() {
        return this.height;

     * Returns the chicken's weight, in pounds
     * @return the weight of the chicken, in pounds
    public double getWeight() {
        return weight;

     * Returns the chicken's name
     * @return the name of the chicken
    public String getName() {
        return name;
    // ------------- MUTATORS -----------

     * Feeds the chicken, increasing the chicken's weight and height
    public void feed() {
        weight += .3;
        height += 1;

    // ------------- SETTERS ----------

     * Sets the name of the chicken
     * @param n the name of the chicken
    public void setName(String n) {
        name = n;

     * Sets the height of the chicken, in cm
     * @param h the height of the chicken, in cm
    public void setHeight(int h) {
        height = h;

     * Sets the weight of the chicken, in pounds
     * @param w the weight of the chicken, in pounds
    public void setWeight(double w) {
        weight = w;

     * This method is private.  It is accessible by objects of 
     * the Chicken class but NOT by other classes.
    private void privateMethod() {
        System.out.println("I am private!");

     * Tests the Chicken class
     * @param args the command-line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // "Fred", weight: 2.0, height: 38
        int fredHeight = 38;
        Chicken chicken = new Chicken("Fred", fredHeight, 2.0);

        // Note: this will look like gibberish to us at this point

        if( chicken.getHeight() != fredHeight ) {
            System.err.println("Problem likely in constructor setting height");
        if( !chicken.getName().equals("Fred") ) {
            System.err.println("Problem likely in constructor setting name");


        int newFredHeight = chicken.getHeight();
        System.out.println(chicken.getName() + " is now " + newFredHeight +
                           " cm tall.");


        System.out.println("He's a growing boy at " + chicken.getHeight() + " cm tall.");

        // ---- creating tests for chickens -----

        String[] names = {"Rocky", "Baby Chicken"};
        double[] weights = {4.0, .8};
        int[] heights = {50, 4};
        String[] newNames = {"Rocky II", "Chicken"};

        for( int i=0; i < names.length; i++ ) {
            Chicken thisChicken = new Chicken( names[i], heights[i], weights[i] );

            if( !thisChicken.getName().equals(names[i]) ) {
                System.err.println("Problem likely in constructor setting name");
                System.err.println("\tActual: " + thisChicken.getName());
                System.err.println("\tExpected: " + names[i]);

            if( thisChicken.getWeight() != weights[i] ) {
                System.err.println("\tError in getWeight for Chicken " + i );
                System.err.println("\tActual: " + thisChicken.getWeight());
                System.err.println("\tExpected: " + weights[i] );

            // feed the chicken and check the state
            if( thisChicken.getWeight() != weights[i] + .3 ) {
                System.err.println("Error in feed weight for Chicken " + i);
                System.err.println("\tActual: " + thisChicken.getWeight());
                System.err.println("\tExpected: " + (weights[i] + .3) );

            if( thisChicken.getHeight() != heights[i] + 1 ) {
                System.err.println("Error in feed height for Chicken " + i);
                System.err.println("\tActual: " + thisChicken.getHeight());
                System.err.println("\tExpected: " + (heights[i] + 1) );

            // feed the chicken again and check the state


            // NOTE: this test may fail; look at the output to see why
            // We will have better ways to test later in the term.
            if( thisChicken.getWeight() != weights[i] + 2 * .3 ) {
                System.err.println("Error in second feed weight for Chicken " + i);
                System.err.println("Actual: " + thisChicken.getWeight());
                System.err.println("Expected: " + (weights[i] + 2 * .3 ));

            if( thisChicken.getHeight() != heights[i] + 2 * 1 ) {
                System.err.println("Error in second feed height for Chicken " + i);
                System.err.println("Actual: " + thisChicken.getHeight());
                System.err.println("Expected: " + (heights[i] + 2 * 1 ));
            if( !thisChicken.getName().equals(newNames[i]) ) {
                System.err.println("Problem likely in setName");
                System.err.println("\tActual: " + thisChicken.getName());
                System.err.println("\tExpected: " + newNames[i]);


./ 2/4

 * This class demonstrates using a while loop
 * @author Sara Sprenkle
public class Counter {  
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int counter = 0;
        while (counter < 5) {
        System.out.println("Done: " + counter);

./ 3/4

 * This class demonstrates using a switch statement.
 * Your task: Explain the output when grade is set to be 'b'
 * and then when grade is set to 'd'.
 * @author Sara Sprenkle
public class Grades {  
    * Called when user runs 
    *  java Grades
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        char grade = 'b';
        switch(grade) {
            case 'a':
            case 'A':
            case 'b':
            case 'B':
                System.out.println("Not too shabby!");
            case 'c':
            case 'C':
            case 'd':
            case 'D':
                System.out.println("You are passing but you could improve.");
            case 'f':
            case 'F':
                System.out.println("Not good.  You failed.");
                System.out.println("Error: not a grade");

./ 4/4

 * Demonstrates how we can create Chicken objects 
 * and call its public methods, but
 * we can't call the Chicken's private methods.
 * (This class will NOT compile.)
 * @author Sara Sprenkle
public class NotTheChickenClass {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Chicken myChicken = new Chicken("Fred", 10, 2);
        // this will result in a compiler error:


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