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Programming and Terminology Warm Up

Due Monday at the end of class



In computer science, we often need to think about our code at multiple levels: the high-level big picture and then the more detailed view of how each method is implemented. We also need to be able to communicate with teammates/colleagues/customers, so we need to make sure we understand the terminology and use it well. I also may use some terms more or less often than your previous faculty. And, finally, it's probably been a minute since you last programmed, so let's get warmed up!

Part 1: Reviewing Python Programming and Terminology

  1. Read through the Python code provided and answer the following questions--just write/sketch on the code handouts:
    • What is the role of each file? Of each class?
    • How do the classes fit together?
  2. Download this Word document from Box.
  3. Complete the table while also marking up the code provided (e.g., highlighting/circling examples of the terms in the Word document).

    We'll do this in phases: 1) on your own, 2) with your neighbors, and 3) looking online.

  4. Answer the questions in the document.

Part 2: Design Discussion Questions

Do not start until after we have reviewed Python (Part 1 above) as a class.

Motivation: Throughout this class, we'll talk a lot about design decisions. You and/or your professors have been making design decisions for awhile.

Let's consider some design decisions from the code. For each of the following questions, first confirm my first intro/set up statement. Then, answer the question.

Submitting your assignment

Show Professor Sprenkle your assignment before class on Wednesday.

Grading (10 pts)

You will be graded on making a good-faith effort in identifying and defining the terms.