Git Lab: Gitting--er, Getting Started
Due Monday at 11:59 p.m.
Knowing how to use a source control system will be an invaluable tool for you, especially in a team setting. At its heart, version control is a way to manage the changes that occur to your files over time, but that simple idea changes everything! It allows you to revisit previous versions of your code, work with different versions at the same time, and work in teams and track who made which changes. At its best, version control is like a journal that you use to track major, and minor, events in your project. At its most practical, it is like a backup system that prevents you from losing significant work if something happens to your machine. At its worst, it is simply a submit system where you only track your work when told to.
Version control systems have been around since 1972, and Git is currently the cool tool to use. You may have heard of GitHub, the largest public repository of source code, but there are lots of places where you can host repositories. We will be using GitHub Classroom to coordinate assignments and projects.
Using version control well is not difficult, but it does take some practice and a little bit of command-line savvy. We will not use visual Git tools until you are comfortable/confident in your version control skills.
- To learn to use Git from the command line.
- To learn to use GitHub's web interface, including GitHub classroom
Git Resources
- GitHub Guides: Git Handbook
Part 0: Set up Your GitHub Account
Create a personal access token (classic) in the GitHub web interface.
- You can set the expiration to be the end of the term or to never expire.
- Set the scopes to all of
. - Save your token somewhere! You can't retrieve it again after it has been generated. You can create a new one, though.
GitHub is encouraging use of their new fine-grained access tokens, which are more secure. However, they are still in beta and not supported by all of GitHub's tools yet, and GitHub hasn't made them quite as easy/intuitive to use. We may use these later in the semester, but, for now, let's stick with the classic ones.
Part 1: GitHub Classroom
- Go to the assignment invitation
- Select your email address.
- Accept the Learning Git and GitHub Fundamentals assignment. This will create your own private repository for the assignment that only you and I can see.
Part 2: Clone Your Remote (GitHub) Repository
- In a terminal window, navigate to the directory/folder where
you want to store your code repositories for this class. You may
need to create that directory first.
It is not recommended to put your repositories
in a location that is synched, e.g., Box, Google Drive, One
Drive. Instead, put your repositories on your local hard drive.
It may not be a problem if you don't try to access the synched
folders on another computer, but safest not to try. Git
has its own approach to backups.
- In GitHub classroom, copy the https repository URL from under
the "Code" button dropdown.
- Run the command:
git clone your_repository_URL
- Enter your GitHub username and your access token,
which you created in the set up assignment, for the password.
(On Macs, you'll see a key when it prompts for the password.
Enter your personal access token. You won't see any typing --
that's a security feature. Just enter your token and hit
This should create a directory with the repository in the
current directory, i.e., you should now see a directory with the
name something
like git-started--username
Within that directory is your repository. (What Unix commands
should you use to check that this is the case?)
If you see an error about needing an access token, go back
and create
a personal access
- Go into your repository directory. List the contents of
the directory.
Part 3: Learn Git and GitHub
- In your web browser, go to your GitHub repository for this
assignment. The
file is rendered and
displayed below the top-level source code listing.
- Back on your computer, open
in your
favorite text editor. Compare the contents of the file to
what is displayed. For example, how is a top-level heading
represented in the file?
The .md
extension means that it is a Markdown file. Markdown
is a commonly used markup language to add formatting to text documents. It's
used to make pretty documents for the Web easily. Markdown is
rendered into HTML by GitHub's web interface. Markdown has a
relatively easy syntax to
use. We'll come back to this later.
- Back in your browser, read the
file to
learn about Git and GitHub.
In general, a README
file (regardless of the
file extension, e.g., .md, or .txt) gives a user information
about software. In this course, we'll use the README file to
help us communicate between student(s) and professor.
Part 4: Learning git with an online tutorial
It is not recommended to put your repositories in a location that is synched, e.g., Box, Google Drive, One Drive. Instead, put your repositories on your local hard drive. It may not be a problem if you don't try to access the synched folders on another computer, but safest not to try. Git has its own approach to backups.
git clone your_repository_URL
(On Macs, you'll see a key when it prompts for the password. Enter your personal access token. You won't see any typing -- that's a security feature. Just enter your token and hit enter.)
This should create a directory with the repository in the
current directory, i.e., you should now see a directory with the
name something
like git-started--username
Within that directory is your repository. (What Unix commands
should you use to check that this is the case?)
If you see an error about needing an access token, go back and create a personal access token.
file is rendered and
displayed below the top-level source code listing.
in your
favorite text editor. Compare the contents of the file to
what is displayed. For example, how is a top-level heading
represented in the file?
The .md
extension means that it is a Markdown file. Markdown
is a commonly used markup language to add formatting to text documents. It's
used to make pretty documents for the Web easily. Markdown is
rendered into HTML by GitHub's web interface. Markdown has a
relatively easy syntax to
use. We'll come back to this later.
file to
learn about Git and GitHub.
In general, a README
file (regardless of the
file extension, e.g., .md, or .txt) gives a user information
about software. In this course, we'll use the README file to
help us communicate between student(s) and professor.
In your browser, go to Learn Git Branching It's a helpful game to learn git, but you need to be thoughtful and mindful while doing it so that you understand what is happening. Pay attention to the visuals.
Run through the tutorial/game "Main > Introduction Sequence" and "Ramping Up". Then click on the tab "Remote" and complete the series "Push & Pull -- Git Remotes!"
Part 5: Applying What You Learned
Create and Add Files in Your Local Repository
Recall: When we say local repository, that means local to your computer. Remote means the repository hosted on GitHub.
- In a terminal, go into your cloned, local repository.
- Create a new file called
within your cloned/local repository. (Recall: where is your repository?) You can create this file using whatever text editor you like, e.g., jEdit, emacs, Pulsar, VSCode, vim, nano, even Idle. The important part is that the file is saved within your cloned, local repository. - Within the file, write, "This is my first file for my repository." Save the file.
- In your shell/terminal, make sure that you are within your
repository (i.e., you're within the directory where your
repository is stored), and then add the file to your repository by
git add myfile.txt - Check that you added the file to the staging area by
git statusYou should see something like:
On branch main Changes to be committed: (use "git reset HEAD
..." to unstage) new file: myfile.txt
Commit Your Updates
Now it's time to commit that new file.
- Run git commit
This will commit the files you staged, i.e. the files you added to the staged area.
You will be prompted to enter a commit message. Say what you did, e.g., "Created a new file to try out git."Alternatively, you can use the
flag (i.e., for message) and add a comment, e.g.,
git commit -m"Created a new file to try out git."If you run into trouble because the default editor is
and you aren't sure how to use it, first hit i to go into insert mode. Then, you can save your message by exiting out of insert mode by hitting ESC. Then, use :wq to switch to the command mode, write the file, and quit.
If you don't want to use vim, go back to the Git Setup and update the editor being used.
If you're seeing errors likecommand not found
, it's likely that your text editor for git is not set up to be run through the command line. See the git FAQ for some help. - Now, if you run, git status, you should see
On branch main nothing to commit, working tree clean
Push Your Updates to the Remote (GitHub) Repository
- Run git push to push the local repository to the remote repository.
- You should check the remote repository within GitHub's web
interface (i.e., in a web browser) to confirm
is in the repository.
Update Files in Your Local Repository
Now, let's create an
- Using your favorite text editor,
so that it contains a top-level heading (using one#
) that says "About Me". For compatibility, there should be a space between the last "#" and the heading. Save it within your local repository. - Under that heading, write your name with your class year, e.g., "Sara Sprenkle, 1999". Save the file.
- Add a level 2 heading (using two "#"s) that says "Honor Pledge"
- Under that heading, write the honor pledge ("On my honor, I have neither given nor received any unacknowledged aid on this lab.") Then, type your name as a signature. Save the file.
- Adapt the steps from above to add
to the staging area, commit the changes with a descriptive message, and push the latest commits to the remote repository. - Look at
in the GitHub web interface. Confirm that it's being rendered appropriately, with the two headings. How cool is that?If it's not rendered correctly, edit your file to make sure you have spaces after the headings.
Expected Rendering of (Approximate):
About Me
Sara Sprenkle, 1999
Honor Pledge
On my honor, I have neither given nor received any unacknowledged aid on this lab.
Sara Sprenkle
Creating and Merging a Branch
helps you by creating a separate sandbox to play/write code and
then merge back into your main
branch when you're ready.
- Create a branch by running git branch practice.
You are still in the
branch at this point, which you can confirm by using git status - Switch to the
branch by running git checkout practice - Run git status to confirm that you're on
branch. - Update the
file to add another paragraph under your name where you list your majors, e.g., "Majors: Computer Science and Mathematics". (Note: A paragraph, not a new section.) - Update the
file (below the majors but above the honor pledge) to add a new section with a heading of "Hobbies" that describes your hobbies outside of coding and another section with the heading "Fun Fact" that gives a fun fact about yourself. - Update the
file to add another line that says "Please look at the README file." - Add both files to the staging area (you can do this using
either one or two
commands) and commit them both at the same time, with a descriptive message. - Push this branch to remote by running git push origin
practice. This command is longer than before because the
branch does not exist remotely yet. In GitHub's web interface, you should now see this branch listed under "branches". - Switch back to the main branch by running git checkout main
- Merge the changes you made in the
branch into themain
branch by running
git merge practice - Push to the remote repository.
- Again, you should check the remote repository through the GitHub web interface to confirm that everything is there.
Log of Commit Messages
Finally, run git log to see the history of commit messages.
Part 6: Creating Your Profile on GitHub
Create your profile README. Let everyone know a little bit more about you! What are you interested in learning? What are you working on? What's your favorite hobby? This is pretty open -- I just want you to take advantage of some of the advantages of using GitHub.
You can see my profile readme, which is quite simple.
Just the Beginning
We have just scratched the surface of what you can do with Git, but it's a good start. Later, we will use Git to help us collaborate with other students and improve our workflow.
Use Git smartly, by regularly and strategically committing your code. Commit when you have completed (written, tested, documented) some feature or when you've fixed a bug.
As you get used to git, you should return to Learn Git Branching to practie/solidify your knowledge and learn more advanced techniques.
Submitting your assignment
If you followed the above directions, you will have "submitted" your assignment by putting the required files in the repository. I can only grade what has been pushed to the GitHub repository. You can look at your repository through GitHub's web interface to confirm that all the required files are there.
You will be evaluated based on the contents of your repository on GitHub (30 pts):
in the repository with the required
updated with the required text- At least three descriptive commit messages in the log
branch in GitHub repository- Changes from
branch merged intomain