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Project 3: Loading and Executing Programs + Shell

Project 3: Loading and Executing Programs + Shell

Due: Wednesday, November 4

Set Up

  1. Copy /csdept/local/courses/cs330/handouts/project3.tar.gz into your OSProjects directory.
  2. Extract the file using tar xfz project3.tar.gz
  3. Copy kernel.c and from your project 2 directory into your project 3 directory.

If you copied project.tar.gz before 3 p.m. on October 22, grab this updated opsys.bxrc file.


Background Slides--most are also in the project description, but I thought these may be helpful.

Project description


API from Project 2

void putChar(char ch, int row, int column, int color);
void putStr(char *str, int row, int column, int color);
int printString(char *str);
int printChar(char chr);
int readChar();
int readString(char *buf);
int readSector(char *buf, int absSector);
int mod(int numerator, int divisor ); // or whatever you called it
int handleInterrupt21(int ax, int bx, int cx, int dx);


Copy your project3 directory into your turnin directory.

Grading (100 pts)

You will be graded on: