The Official Site of Rainbow Dice

Rainbow Dice: A Game for Two Players


  • 2 red dice
  • 2 green dice
  • scoresheet (example in pdf)
  • writing utensil
  • coin (optional)
Each die (singular of dice) should have 6 sides; the 6 sides should represent the numbers 1 through 6 although the means by which the numbers are represented is unimportant (numbers, spots, pictures of monkeys, etc.)

In absence of an official Scoresheet, a blank piece of paper may be used.

Note: All dice should be the same size and do not necessarily use dots to represent the numbers.


This game is recommended for people ages 3 months to 960 years old.


1. One player is chosen as the Scorekeeper (ideally, someone who is not actually playing may serve as the Scorekeeper, but such a person may not always be available). The Scorekeeper should write the players' names on the scoresheet.

2. One player will be assigned the red dice, and the other will be assigned the green dice. The players may decide these assignments by throwing the dice. The players may decide who throws the dice first by flipping the optional coin.

How the Game is Played:

1. Both players throw their dice simultaneously. Each player should add the numbers indicated by the dice of their assigned color (this number is the number indicated by the side of the dice that is on the top). This total is the Value. For example, if one die shows the number 3, and the other die of the same color also shows the number 3, the Value is 6 (3+3=6). Important: do not try to determine the Value while the dice are rolling.

2. After each player has determined the Value of his or her dice, these values are compared. The player whose Value is higher gets 1 point, and this should be indicated on the Scoresheet. If the Values are the same, this is called a "Tie", and each player gets a half point. (To increase scoring, you can give each player 1 point for a Tie. This must by agreed upon by both players before the game begins.)

3. The game continues like this until one player accumulates 1,000,000 points. This player is declared the Winner. The other player is called the Loser. Constantly.

Playing suggestions:

Additional fun may be acquired by tying some reward to the outcome of the game. Perhaps the Loser must do the Winner's laundry for a year, or the Loser must move from the county, or the Loser must give the Winner his or her car, or the Loser must create an ad campaign for the Winner's newly marketed Raisin Bran. The authors strongly advise against including money as part of the rewards.

Also, you may think that if each player used 1 red die and 1 green die, the game would involve more mirth and merriment. You would be wrong. Tests have shown that this invariably leads to confusion, disillusionment, and eventual heartbreak.

Additional Notes:

There's also a junior edition. It uses smaller dice and goes to 700,000. This version is recommended for people of ages 2 months to 75 years.

© 2003 Dale Sprenkle. Reprinted with permission.