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Broader Issues in Computer Science

Computer science has had a far-reaching impact on many disciplines and on society in general. In this course, we'll discuss just a few of these issues for 15-20 minutes during Friday lectures.

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Remember that you can earn extra credit for reviewing additional articles about computer science or its effects on other disciplines.

Write Ups

Before 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, you will post a short write up of the assigned article(s) for the given topic as a response on the respective Canvas discussion. The write up should include


We will discuss the articles briefly on Friday, in small groups and as a class. You are expected to actively participate in the discussion.

If you miss class when we discuss a broader issue, you cannot make up the discussion points, even with advanced notice. Nothing can replace that discussion. Consider doing extra credit to make up those points.


Your grade for each assignment will be worth 10 points:

Topics We May Cover

Topics we may cover briefly are