Picasso Project Set Up

Final Project Specification

Objective: To get set up for the final team project

Subclipse Set Up

Follow the directions in this section only if you didn't do this for the testing project...

Steve set up Eclipse so that each user can install her own plugins.

Install Subclipse

Our subversion repository is svn+ssh://username@serac.cs.wlu.edu/svn/csrepos/cs209_fall2015/
where username is your username for the CS computers.

Check out the project from Eclipse

I created the project in the repository with three directories, trunk, tags, and branches. You will develop in the trunk directory, but you may want to set up tagged versions of your code in the tags directory or try out different ideas in the branches directory.

  1. Import --> SVN --> Checkout Projects from SVN
  2. Select the existing repository (works from home computer too): svn+ssh://username@serac.cs.wlu.edu/svn/csrepos/cs209_fall2015/
  3. Expand your team's directory and select trunk
  4. Click "Next"
  5. Click "Check out as a project configured using the New Project Wizard"
  6. Click "Finish"
  7. Click "Java Project"
  8. Name the project whatever you want. It is the name of the project within your working directory.
  9. Finish

Fixing the Project Configuration

After the project is (finally) checked out, you are likely seeing compilation errors in the test cases.

  1. Open up ErrorParsedEvaluatedTests
  2. Click on one of the red compiler errors.
  3. Select "Fix Project Set Up"
  4. When the suggestion is "Add JUnit 4 library to the build path", click OK.

Now, JUnit is on your classpath.

That will handle most of your errors. There will still be errors in ParsedExpressionTreeTests because I did some test-driven-development example tests for you -- to show some tests that should pass if you've coded properly. TDD is helpful for making you see what you would like your code to do, i.e., it helps you think about the API--what should be returned for the given input.