/CodeBusters/trunk/SLogo Developers: nollets

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Total Commits:
183 (43.5%)
Lines of Code:
2,523 (32.4%)
Most Recent Commit:
2013-12-13 14:59
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Activity by Clock Time

Activity by Hour of Day for nollets

Activity by Day of Week for nollets

Activity in Directories

Directory Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 183 (100.0%) 2523 (100.0%) 13.7
src/slogo/instruction/ 46 (25.1%) 1147 (45.5%) 24.9
src/slogo/parser/ 76 (41.5%) 881 (34.9%) 11.5
src/slogo/parser/token/ 33 (18.0%) 282 (11.2%) 8.5
src/jturtle/ 18 (9.8%) 116 (4.6%) 6.4
/ 6 (3.3%) 50 (2.0%) 8.3
src/slogo/ 4 (2.2%) 47 (1.9%) 11.7

Activity of nollets

Most Recent Commits

nollets 2013-12-13 14:59 Rev.: 491

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • src/jturtle: TurtleField.java (+1 -1)
nollets 2013-12-12 22:30 Rev.: 435

If Token!

14 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • output.txt (+3 -1)
  • src/slogo/parser/token: IfToken.java (+11 -15)
nollets 2013-12-12 19:59 Rev.: 419

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • src/slogo/instruction: Repeat.java (+1 -1)
nollets 2013-12-12 17:04 Rev.: 406

Added all commands but TO and IF
JTurtle has a clearTurtleTail method that should eventually clear all of the lines the turtle has drawn in order to allow the clean and clearscreen instructions to function. This can be filled in after the turtle is drawing/keeping track of its lines.
I'm going to work on the hide/show turtle method stubs that are there right now later tonight

155 lines of code changed in 8 files:

  • output.txt (new 1)
  • src/jturtle: JTurtle.java (+39)
  • src/slogo/instruction: Clean.java (+5 -5), ClearScreen.java (new 37), HideTurtle.java (new 36), Home.java (+1 -4), ShowTurtle.java (new 36)
  • src/slogo/parser: instructions.prop (-3)
nollets 2013-12-12 16:47 Rev.: 405

4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • src/slogo/instruction: Towards.java (+4 -9)
nollets 2013-12-12 16:21

Boolean Commands

347 lines of code changed in 9 files:

  • src/slogo/instruction: Equal.java (new 51), Greater.java (new 51), Less.java (new 51), NotEqual.java (new 52), PenDownP.java (+6 -1)
  • src/slogo/parser: EqualParser.java (new 34), GreaterParser.java (new 34), LessParser.java (new 34), NotEqualParser.java (new 34)
nollets 2013-12-12 16:00 Rev.: 395

Changed repeate to take grammar element as a parameter instead of expression

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • src/slogo/instruction: Repeat.java (+3 -4)
nollets 2013-12-12 15:59 Rev.: 394

Parsers for almost everything and changed the parsers so that FD SUM 50 50 etc works

133 lines of code changed in 25 files:

  • src/slogo/parser: AssignmentParser.java (+1 -1), BackParser.java (+2 -3), ClearScreenParser.java (new 5), DifferenceParser.java (+4 -4), ExpressionParser.java (del), ForwardParser.java (+2 -3), HideTurtleParser.java (new 25), IdentifierParser.java (+2 -1), InstructionParser.java (+11 -1), LeftParser.java (+3 -3), MinusParser.java (+2 -3), PrintParser.java (+2 -3), ProductParser.java (+3 -4), QuotientParser.java (+3 -4), RemainderParser.java (+3 -4), RepeatParser.java (+2 -2), RightParser.java (+2 -3), SetXParser.java (+2 -3), SetXYParser.java (+3 -4), SetYParser.java (+2 -3), ShowTurtleParser.java (new 25), SumParser.java (+3 -4), TowardsParser.java (+3 -4), aliases.prop (+15 -1), instructions.prop (+8 -1)
nollets 2013-12-12 15:05 Rev.: 392

Added Tokens on Tokens

73 lines of code changed in 9 files:

  • src/slogo/parser/token: BackToken.java (+1 -1), CharTokenFactory.java (+1 -1), ClearScreenToken.java (new 11), EqualToken.java (+5 -9), GreaterToken.java (new 11), HideTurtleToken.java (new 11), LessToken.java (new 11), NotEqualToken.java (new 11), ShowTurtleToken.java (new 11)
nollets 2013-12-11 12:29 Rev.: 340

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • src/slogo/instruction: Forward.java (+1)
nollets 2013-12-11 11:15 Rev.: 333

Added more commands. Math methods working now. Still working on combining them with move commands

147 lines of code changed in 9 files:

  • src/jturtle: TurtleField.java (+2 -2)
  • src/slogo/instruction: Clean.java (new 36), PenDownP.java (new 36)
  • src/slogo/parser: CleanParser.java (new 26), HomeParser.java (+1 -1), PenDownPParser.java (new 21), instructions.prop (+3 -1)
  • src/slogo/parser/token: CleanToken.java (new 11), PenDownPToken.java (new 11)
nollets 2013-12-11 10:34 Rev.: 326

More new commands. Towards command still needs work

145 lines of code changed in 9 files:

  • src/jturtle: JTurtle.java (+1 -1)
  • src/slogo/instruction: Towards.java (new 57)
  • src/slogo/parser: TowardsParser.java (new 34), XCORParser.java (del), XCorParser.java (new 27), instructions.prop (+4 -1)
  • src/slogo/parser/token: TowardsToken.java (new 11), XCORToken.java (del), XCorToken.java (new 11)
nollets 2013-12-11 09:39 Rev.: 321

Added more MATH commands and the HEADING command

352 lines of code changed in 13 files:

  • src/slogo/instruction: Heading.java (new 38), Minus.java (new 43), Quotient.java (new 48), Remainder.java (new 48), XCor.java (+1 -1)
  • src/slogo/parser: HeadingParser.java (new 25), MinusParser.java (new 33), ProductParser.java (new 34), QuotientParser.java (new 34), RemainderParser.java (new 34), XCORParser.java (+1 -1), instructions.prop (+2 -1)
  • src/slogo/parser/token: HeadingToken.java (new 11)
nollets 2013-12-11 09:07 Rev.: 319

Math Instructions and fixed comments on toString methods

61 lines of code changed in 9 files:

  • src/slogo/instruction: Difference.java (+4 -5), Home.java (+1 -2), Product.java (new 48), SetX.java (+2 -2), SetXY.java (+2 -2), SetY.java (+1 -1), Sum.java (+1 -2), XCor.java (+1 -2), YCor.java (+1 -2)
nollets 2013-12-11 08:45

93 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • src/slogo/instruction: Difference.java (new 49), Sum.java (+5 -5)
  • src/slogo/parser: DifferenceParser.java (new 34), instructions.prop (+5)
nollets 2013-12-10 20:15 Rev.: 306

Added MATH tokens

49 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • src/slogo/parser/token: CharTokenFactory.java (+1 -1), DifferenceToken.java (new 11), MinusToken.java (+4 -7), ProductToken.java (new 11), QuotientToken.java (new 11), RemainderToken.java (new 11)
nollets 2013-12-10 19:43

101 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • src/jturtle: TurtleField.java (+5 -4)
  • src/slogo/instruction: Sum.java (new 49)
  • src/slogo/parser: SumParser.java (new 35), instructions.prop (+1)
  • src/slogo/parser/token: SumToken.java (new 11)
nollets 2013-12-06 14:08 Rev.: 256

Changed some stuff

10 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • src/jturtle: JTurtle.java (+5 -5), TurtleField.java (+1 -1)
  • src/slogo/instruction: XCor.java (+1 -1), YCor.java (+1 -1)
  • src/slogo/parser: InstructionParser.java (+1), aliases.prop (+1 -1)
nollets 2013-12-06 11:23 Rev.: 247

Added XCOR and YCOR. Not sure if they are returning the right thing

172 lines of code changed in 10 files:

  • src/jturtle: TurtleField.java (+6)
  • src/slogo/instruction: XCor.java (new 39), YCor.java (new 40)
  • src/slogo/parser: BackParser.java (+1 -1), XCORParser.java (new 27), YCorParser.java (new 27), aliases.prop (new 8), instructions.prop (+2 -1)
  • src/slogo/parser/token: XCORToken.java (new 11), YCorToken.java (new 11)
nollets 2013-12-04 12:23 Rev.: 203

Comments after meeting with Professor Sprenkle

26 lines of code changed in 10 files:

  • src/jturtle: JTurtle.java (+9 -9), TurtleField.java (+2 -2)
  • src/slogo/instruction: Forward.java (+4 -3)
  • src/slogo/parser: ExpressionParser.java (+1), ForwardParser.java (+2 -1), InstructionParser.java (+1), SLogoParser.java (+1)
  • src/slogo/parser/token: BackToken.java (+1 -1), ReservedToken.java (+5 -3), TokenFactory.java (-1)

(10 more)

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