/TurtleAnimationTaskForce/trunk/SLogo Developers: archerh

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Total Commits:
82 (21.8%)
Lines of Code:
972 (13.6%)
Most Recent Commit:
2013-12-13 16:25
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Activity by Clock Time

Activity by Hour of Day for archerh

Activity by Day of Week for archerh

Activity in Directories

Directory Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 82 (100.0%) 972 (100.0%) 11.8
src/slogo/parser/ 42 (51.2%) 422 (43.4%) 10.0
src/jturtle/ 9 (11.0%) 197 (20.3%) 21.8
src/slogo/instruction/ 11 (13.4%) 177 (18.2%) 16.0
src/slogo/parser/token/ 10 (12.2%) 96 (9.9%) 9.6
src/slogo/expression/ 7 (8.5%) 45 (4.6%) 6.4
src/slogo/ 3 (3.7%) 35 (3.6%) 11.6

Activity of archerh

Most Recent Commits

archerh 2013-12-13 16:25 Rev.: 512

Removed unused imports and commented-out code.

6 lines of code changed in 15 files:

  • src/jturtle: TurtleField.java (+4 -4)
  • src/slogo: SLogoContext.java (-1)
  • src/slogo/instruction: ClearScreen.java (+1 -1), If.java (-1), To.java (-1), YCor.java (-2)
  • src/slogo/parser: BackParser.java (-1), BatchInterpreter.java (-2), ClearScreenParser.java (+1 -6), ForwardParser.java (-4), HomeParser.java (-1), InstructionParser.java (-10), PenUpParser.java (-1), ToParser.java (-1), TowardsParser.java (-1)
archerh 2013-12-13 03:26 Rev.: 452

Minor cleanup: got rid of some print statements.

3 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • src/jturtle: TurtleField.java (+1)
  • src/slogo/parser: BatchInterpreter.java (+1 -1), ToParser.java (+1 -1)
archerh 2013-12-13 03:02 Rev.: 451

Added event handler so the user can select an image from their library and use it as the turtle. Added IF and TO tokens.

298 lines of code changed in 7 files:

  • src/jturtle: TurtleField.java (+73 -4)
  • src/slogo/instruction: If.java (new 68), To.java (new 59)
  • src/slogo/parser: IfParser.java (new 38), ToParser.java (new 34)
  • src/slogo/parser/token: IfToken.java (new 13), ToToken.java (new 13)
archerh 2013-12-11 17:43 Rev.: 350

BatchInterpreter (reading commands in from an external file) doesn't work when the file includes an EOF_Token. TOWARDS still isn't working, see email for details on what I think should work but I can't think of the geometric equivalent of it at the moment. Need to be able to use variables as expressions (ex: x=50;FORWARD x), currently can't. Dialog box closes automatically except when the commands in the selected file don't parse.

46 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • src/jturtle: TurtleField.java (+8 -4)
  • src/slogo/parser: BatchInterpreter.java (+27 -10), InstructionParser.java (+1 -1), RepeatParser.java (+1), StrictInstructionListParser.java (+9 -2)
archerh 2013-12-11 15:07 Rev.: 344

Got rid of ExpressionParser. Added option to choose a SLogo file to parse and execute. Need to fix button location and size, sorry it's so ugly at the moment. Working on Towards instruction (before it was moving forward, trying to perfect the geometry of having it return just the angle needed to have the turtle pointing TOWARD that point. Doesn't move the turtle, doesn't work properly, but it's a work in progress.

156 lines of code changed in 8 files:

  • src/jturtle: TurtleField.java (+75 -1)
  • src/slogo/instruction: Towards.java (+38 -5)
  • src/slogo/parser: AssignmentParser.java (+1 -2), BatchInterpreter.java (new 36), ExpressionParser.java (del), HomeParser.java (-1), IdentifierParser.java (+2 -3), TowardsParser.java (+4 -4)
archerh 2013-12-06 15:13 Rev.: 258

Added MINUS and REMAINDER operations!

106 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • src/slogo/expression: Remainder.java (new 29)
  • src/slogo/parser: MinusParser.java (new 29), RemainderParser.java (new 30), SLogoParser.java (-1), instructions.prop (+3 -1)
  • src/slogo/parser/token: RemainderToken.java (new 15)
archerh 2013-12-06 15:04 Rev.: 257

Fixed SumParser, added Difference, Product, Quotient, all are parsing properly. Fixed other parsers (BACK, LEFT, RIGHT, SETX, SETY) to parse properly without ExpressionParser. Use this format from now on when writing parsers so it works properly with math operations. Y'all have a great weekend, let me know if something I did doesn't work as it should.

153 lines of code changed in 13 files:

  • src/slogo/instruction: Back.java (+4 -3), Forward.java (-1)
  • src/slogo/parser: BackParser.java (+1 -7), DifferenceParser.java (new 30), LeftParser.java (+3 -3), ProductParser.java (new 30), QuotientParser.java (new 31), RightParser.java (+1 -4), SLogoParser.java (+17 -18), SetXParser.java (+1 -3), SetYParser.java (+1 -3), SumParser.java (new 30), instructions.prop (+4)
archerh 2013-12-06 12:22 Rev.: 250

Changed SLogoParser so it does not depend on expression or expressionParser, and parse method returns a GrammarElement rather than an Instruction and takes no parameters. Since parse() no longer takes a Reader, you'll have to re-initialize SLogoParser for every new string, although this should only matter to the TurtleField. Removed while loop in parse, which will matter for batch mode but not for the command-line mode. Don't update to this for now if you want prior updates to work. Mostly comitting so Eric can made progress based on the new changes.

44 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • src/jturtle: TurtleField.java (+4 -3)
  • src/slogo/instruction: Forward.java (+5 -3)
  • src/slogo/parser: ForwardParser.java (+3 -3), SLogoParser.java (+32 -20)
archerh 2013-12-05 21:21 Rev.: 222

Added DIFFERENCE, SUM, QUOTIENT, PRODUCT, MINUS tokens, able to parse sum and difference but not the others, look to Expression.parse and then in parsing for sum to see how to deal with prefix notation in 2-number operations; still need to get other mathematical expressions working. Afterward, will remove tokens for ELAN language that are not relevant to SLogo, such as plus and star tokens.

87 lines of code changed in 14 files:

  • src/slogo/expression: Addition.java (+2 -1), BinaryExpression.java (+7 -7), Division.java (+2 -1), Multiplication.java (+2 -1), Negation.java (+1 -1), Subtraction.java (+2 -1)
  • src/slogo/parser: ExpressionParser.java (+16 -14)
  • src/slogo/parser/token: CharTokenFactory.java (-1), DifferenceToken.java (new 13), MinusToken.java (+2 -3), ProductToken.java (new 13), QuotientToken.java (new 13), SumToken.java (new 13), TokenFactory.java (+1 -1)
archerh 2013-12-01 21:44 Rev.: 97

working version for FORWARD 50
calls default constructor, not specifying new turtle image
need to add FD token

42 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • src/jturtle: SLogoContext.java (del), TurtleField.java (+7)
  • src/slogo: Context.java (+2), SLogoContext.java (new 33)
archerh 2013-11-26 21:51 Rev.: 54

Slightly altered Forward.java to extend Instruction so that it parallels structure of other Instructions. Changed TextField to receive text when "ENTER" key is pressed, then parsing this text as a StringReader. Currently only works on assignment and gives errors for other instructions. Changed SLogoParser to return an Instruction rather than nothing.

31 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • src/jturtle: TurtleField.java (+25 -7)
  • src/slogo/instruction: Forward.java (+2 -2)
  • src/slogo/parser: SLogoParser.java (+4 -4)
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