All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description Abs Represents the abs function in Picasso languageAbsAnalyzer Handles parsing the Absolute value analyzerAbsToken Represents the floor function tokenAddition Represents the addition function that takes two arguments.Assignment Represents the Assignment operatorAssignmentAnalyzer Handles parsing the assignment operatorAssignmentToken Represents the assignment tokenAtan Represents the atan function in the Picasso languageAtanAnalyzer Handles parsing the atan functionAtanToken Represents the atan function tokenBuiltinFunctionsReader Handles reading the available built-in functions from a file.ButtonPanel The collection of commands represented as buttons that apply to the active image.Canvas The canvas on which to present the image.Ceil Represents the floor function in the Picasso language.CeilAnalyzer Handles parsing the ceil function.CeilToken Represents the ceil function tokenCharConstants Symbolic names for character constantsCharToken A token represented by a single character, e.g., '*', ';', '[' and so on; the method equals compares a CharToken as equal to another CharToken encapsulating the same character.CharTokenFactory Factory for generating CharToken objects ensuring that only one of any specific CharToken object is created (enforcing CharToken singleton-ness per char value)Clamp Represents the Assignment operatorClampAnalyzer Handles parsing the clamp function.ClampToken This represents the clamp function tokenColorAnalyzer SemanticAnalyzer for an RGB ColorColorToken Represents a color (using double values).Command<T> An abstract command class that operates on some target object.CommaToken Represents a comma in the Picasso programming languageConstant Represents a constant in the Picasso language.ConstantAnalyzer Analyzer for a constant, must be between [-1, 1]Cos Represents the cos function in the Picasso languageCosAnalyzer Handles parsing the cos function.CosToken Represents the cos function tokenDatabaseViewer A simple java swing based database viewer for the ExpressionDB.Division Represents the addition function that takes two arguments.DivisionAnalyzer Handles parsing the multiplication operator ("*").DivisionToken Represents the multiplication tokenEOFToken This represents an end-of-file token.ErrorDialog A simple dialog box to display an error message.EvaluatableExpression Classes that implement this interface can be evaluated for the image.EvaluateException Describe an exception that occurred during parsing.Evaluator Evaluate an expression for each pixel in a image.Exp Represents the exponential function in the Picasso language.ExpAnalyzer Handles parsing the Exponential analyzerExponentiate Represents the exponentiate function that takes two arguments.ExponentiateAnalyzer Handles parsing the exponentiate operator ("^").ExponentiateToken Represents the exponentiate tokenExpressionDB The ExpressionDB, a simple SQLite database implementation for storing expressions.ExpressionTreeGenerator Parses a string into an expression tree based on rules for arithmetic.ExpressionTreeNode All elements of the language (e.g., that make up ExpressionTree) should extend ExpressionTreeNode.ExpToken Represents the Exponential function tokenFileCommand<T> An abstract command that allows access to the file system through a JFileChooser dialog box.Floor Represents the floor function in the Picasso language.FloorAnalyzer Handles parsing the floor function.FloorToken Represents the floor function tokenFrame Main container for the Picasso applicationFunctionToken Parent class for Tokens that represent functions.IdentifierAnalyzer Handle an identifier tokenIdentifierToken Represents an identifier (a variable name)ImageClip Represents the ImageClip function in the Picasso languageImageClipAnalyzer Handles parsing for ImageClipImageClipToken Represents the imageClip function tokenImageWrap Represents the ImageWrap function in the Picasso languageImageWrapAnalyzer Handles parsing for ImageWrapImageWrapToken Represents the imageWrap function tokenImprovedNoise JAVA REFERENCE IMPLEMENTATION OF IMPROVED NOISE - COPYRIGHT 2002 KEN PERLIN.LeftBracketToken Represents a left bracket in the Picasso programming languageLeftParenToken Represents a left parenthesis in the Picasso programming languageLog Represents the log function in the Picasso languageLogAnalyzer Handle parsing the log functionLogToken Represents the log function tokenMain Starting point for Picasso.MinusAnalyzer Handles parsing the minus or "subtraction function".MinusToken Represents the minus sign tokenModulo Represents the modulo function that takes two arguments.ModuloAnalyzer Handles parsing the modulo operator ("%").ModuloToken Represents the modulo tokenMultiplication Represents the multiplication function that takes two arguments.MultiplicationAnalyzer Handles parsing the multiplication operator ("*").MultiplicationToken Represents the multiplication tokenNamedCommand<T> A command with a name (e.g., to display on a button)Negation Represents the negation function that takes two arguments.NegationAnalyzer Handles parsing the negation operator ("!").NegationToken Represents the negation tokenNumberToken Represents a number (using double values).OperationInterface A marker interfaceParseException Describe an exception that occurred during parsing.PerlinBW Represents the perlinBW function in Picasso languagePerlinBWAnalyzer Handles parsing the "perlinBW function".PerlinBWToken Represents the PerlinBW function tokenPerlinColor Represents the abs function in Picasso languagePerlinColorAnalyzer Handles parsing the plus or "perlinColor function".PerlinColorToken Represents the PerlinColor function tokenPixmap Class for manipulating graphics images, originally developed in C++.PlusAnalyzer Handles parsing the plus or "addition function".PlusToken Represents the plus sign tokenQuoteToken Represents a quotation mark in the Picasso programming languageRandomAnalyzer Handle parsing the random functionRandomExpression Class that generates a random expression for the Picasso application to evaluateRandomFunction Represents the Random function in the Picasso languageRandomToken Represents the random function tokenReader Open the chosen image file and display in the Pixmap target.ReferenceForExpressionEvaluations This is the original implementation.RGBColor Special color class for Picasso.RgbToYCrCb Represents the rgbToYCrCb function in Picasso languageRgbToYCrCbAnalyzer Handles parsing the RgbToYCrCb function.RgbToYCrCbToken Represents the RgbToYCrCb function tokenRightBracketToken Represents a right bracket in the Picasso programming languageRightParenToken Represents a right parenthesis in the Picasso programming languageSemanticAnalyzer SemanticAnalyzer calls appropriate SemanticAnalyzer for the given tokenSemanticAnalyzerInterface The interface that all Semantic Analyzers must implementSin Represents the sin function in the Picasso language.SinAnalyzer Handles parsing the sin function.SinToken Represents the sin function tokenStoredExpression StringAnalyzer Handles parsing the quotationsStringNode Represents the String operationStringToken Represents an string identifier (a string name)Subtraction Represents the subtraction function that takes two arguments.Tan Represents the tan function in the Picasso languageTanAnalyzer Handles parsing the tan functionTanToken Represents the tan function tokenThreadedCommand<T> Execute a long running command in a separate thread and display the results in a component while the command is running.Token Represents tokens in the Picasso programming languageTokenFactory Looks at a generic token and creates the appropriate token typeTokenizer A tokenizer for the Picasso language.UnaryFunction Represents a function that takes one argument.UnaryFunctionAnalyzer Abstract class that parses a function that takes one expression as a parameter.Variable Represents a variableWrap Represents the Wrap function in the Picasso language.WrapAnalyzer Handles parsing the Wrap function.WrapToken Represents the Wrap function tokenWriter Save the chosen file.X Represents x in a Picasso expressionY Represents y in a Picasso expressionYCrCbToRGB Represents the YCrCbToRGB function in Picasso languageYCrCbToRGBAnalyzer Handles parsing the YCrCbToRGB function.YCrCbToRGBToken Represents the YCrCbToRGB function token