Package picasso.model

Class Pixmap

  • public class Pixmap
    extends Object
    Class for manipulating graphics images, originally developed in C++.

    This class represents an image that supports manipulation, i.e., reflection, expansion, inversion, etc. It has an analog in C++, for comparison between the two languages, although there is more support in Java for images than there is in C++.

    Creating a pixmap requires a filename that should be a gif or jpg image (or others if getImage() supports them). Currently the filename represents a local image, but changing the URL to support network retrievable images should be straightforward.

    Revision history for C++ version:
    Modified: 3/21/94 11/29/94 4/13/95

    Ported: 10/16/1996 to Java (Syam Gadde) re-implemented, ported to 1.1 6/1/97 (Owen Astrachan)

    • Constructor Detail

      • Pixmap

        public Pixmap()
        Create a default pixmap (300x300 black)
      • Pixmap

        public Pixmap​(Dimension size)
        Create a black pixmap with given size
      • Pixmap

        public Pixmap​(int width,
                      int height)
        Create a black pixmap with given width and height
      • Pixmap

        public Pixmap​(int width,
                      int height,
                      Color color)
        Create a pixmap with given width and height and filled with given initial color
      • Pixmap

        public Pixmap​(Pixmap other)
        Create this image as a copy of the given image
      • Pixmap

        public Pixmap​(String fileName)
        Create a pixmap from the given local file
        fileName - complete pathname of local file
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        Returns the name of the image
        the name of the image
      • isInBounds

        public boolean isInBounds​(int x,
                                  int y)
        Determine if the given (x,y) coordinate is within the bounds of this image.
        x - the x coordinate
        y - the y coordinate
        true if the given (x,y) coordinate is within the bounds of this image.
      • getColor

        public Color getColor​(int x,
                              int y)
        Returns the color of the pixel at the given (x,y) coordinate if the coordinate is within the bounds of the image; otherwise returns the default color
        x - the x coordinate
        y - the y coordinate
        the color of the pixel at the given (x,y) coordinate if the coordinate is within the bounds of the image; otherwise returns the default color
      • setColor

        public void setColor​(int x,
                             int y,
                             Color value)
      • setSize

        public void setSize​(Dimension size)
      • setSize

        public void setSize​(int width,
                            int height)
        Changes the size of the image to the given width and height
        width - the new width of the image
        height - the new height of the image
      • read

        public void read​(String fileName)
        Read the image named by fileName
        fileName - the name of the image file to be read in
      • write

        public void write​(String fileName)
        Write the current image to a file as a jpg.
        fileName - the name of the file to write the image to
      • paint

        public void paint​(Graphics pen)