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Assign 7: Working with Data

Due: Friday before class

Goals for Assignment 7

Background: Our Data

I created fake data about students--specifically, their graduation year, degree, and major(s)--for us to work with. (I'm not sure if students' actual majors is private information or not, so I generated the data. There may be some inconsistencies from reality, but bear with me.)

Querying Data

We are going to focus just on searches so that students get consistent results, regardless of when they do the various parts of the assignment.

For each of our data systems, you will answer the same set of questions:

Objective: Using PostgreSQL (50)

Try out your answers in the cs397 database.

Create an assign7.sql file that contains the sql statements to answer the questions below. I should then be able to run
psql cs397 < assign7.sql and see all the answers.

Some PostgreSQL Resources:

Objective: Using mongodb (50)

Try out your answers in the cs397 database. The collection is called students.

Create an assign7.mongo file that contains the commands to answer the questions below. I then should be able to run
mongo cs397 < assign7.mongo to see your answers.

Some MongoDB Resources

Objective: Using Elasticsearch (50)

Try out your queries on the index cs397. The type is student.

Create an file that contains the curl commands to answer the questions below. I then should be able to run
bash and see your answers.

If you get an error about fielddata, try using the field's keyword instead. For example, if you're trying to look at the lastname, use lastname.keyword instead.

References for Elasticsearch

Objective: Analysis (50)

In a text file called analysis.txt, answer the following questions. When answering the questions, also address if the order that you used the systems biased your analysis?

Finishing up: What to turn in for this assignment

Copy the assignment to your turnin directory.


See grade breakdown above.