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Lecture slides will be posted after class.

Most dates are tentative. The schedule will be updated as the semester progresses...

WEEK DAY Lectures & Examples Topic & Reading Assignments

Week 1

Apr 22


Introduction to the Web, Web Applications, HTML

Lab 0 - Static HTML tools, practice; wiki

Read/watch how Google search works and Webmaster guidelines, summarize on Sakai

Follow This Chart to Know If You Can Use an Image from the Internet, summarize on Sakai

Readings/Summaries due by Wednesday at midnight

Lab 0 FAQ

Apr 23

Drop/Add ends



Web Development Tools
Course Projects

Lab 1 - CSS practice

Email project preference to Professor Sprenkle by Wed at 5 p.m.

Apr 24


Apr 25



HTML Forms

Usability Considerations

Lab 2 - HTML Forms

Requirements Document, Workplan, Design Draft; Due Friday at midnight -- eye towards static mockup

If you want to use your own machine, install Eclipse and make sure that it works before tomorrow's class. You'll probably download the installer and then you'll want to install Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java Developers.

Apr 26

In Class Work

Developing Web-based Software
Java Servlets
Java EE tutorial

Lab 3 - Servlets

Week 2

Apr 29


Web Application Servers, Handling State

Lab 4 - Servlets: init, destroy, Configuration Parameters, Sessions

Quality Attributes of Web Software Applications by Jeff Offutt - review on Sakai, Wednesday at midnight

Project: Revise requirements, Static HTML Mockups - for each subteam -- create 3 mockups for the key pages in each feature - due Tuesday at midnight

Apr 30

JSP Examples

Version Control

Java Server Pages (JSPs), Version control

Git Review: Workflow, Git Handbook

Lab 5 - Git, JSPs

Project: Revisions to Requirements, Work Plan; Static Mockups

May 01

Review project code base. Make a mental model. Come with questions

May 02

JavaScript Slides
JavaScript Examples

DB Slides
JDBC Examples

Client-side: JavaScript

Databases, JDBC

Lab 6 - JavaScript programming - due tonight
Lab 7 - SQL and JDBC - due Sunday night

May 03


Nika Pogrebna - Guest Speaker

Alumni Panel - 1 p.m. in SciAdd 214

Review project code base. Make a mental model. Come with questions

Week 3

May 06


Project development tools


Read the Introduction and Chapters 1--3 of Don't Make Me Think, Third Edition and summarize on Sakai by 11:59 Monday night.
See Sakai for more information about the post contents as well as off-campus access

Work on high-priority functionality

May 07


Usability and Accessibility

Discuss static mockups, initial functionality.

Application State
Tools for Testing Web Applications

Continuing project development -- High-Priority Functionality due Sunday at 11:59 p.m.

Check in with Prof Sprenkle Thursday afternoon about questions for clients, next round of static mockups, and what you consider high-priority and what you will have completed.

May 08


May 09

Exam Prep

May 10


Richard Marmorstein - guest speaker

Analysis of Richard's talk

Week 4

May 13

  Meetings with Clients Project Implementation, Monday check-in with client

May 14


Web accessibility
Project development
Project Implementation

May 15

Project Implementation, Prepare Demonstration

May 16



May 17

  Spring Term Festival, Demonstrations: 12-2 p.m. Project Implementation, Documentation, Project Analysis -- Due Saturday at 5 p.m.

May 18

Final Project